

i am a mum to 6 children ages rangeing from 18 down to 5months. my 6 year old was born with lots of issues some that have resolved others still on going. We have been under a consultant since he was born. They feel he is somewhere on the spectrum but he doesnt show his traits at school i suppose because of the ridged routine so we are finding it hard to get a diagnosis. we used to have huge meltdowns but they seemed to chill for a while until last night he wound his sister up so we told him not too he went running into the toilet and started hitting himself and shouting.This lasted for about 20mins i as a mum am finding this really hard and im nervous of what the future holds :-( 

really hoping to make some friends on here that have either gone through what we are or going through the same now.

thanks Mel x

  • Hi Mel, I'm new to this site but thought I would reply to you as I think there are many similarities. My son is 15 but was also born with medical issues resulting in major surgery and trauma - the result of which I feel left him in the autistic spectrum. Has spent much of his life under different hospitals with many admissions....

    At school everything was put down to delayed developement although I could see there was obviously something not right - he is our 2nd child. Finally got the offical diagnosis (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) before moving on to secondary school, which  came as no surprise to me. He never seemed to display the traits at school that he showed at home, like you this was down to the strict routine. Even now, school holidays are a nightmare!! His main problem is the anxiety. Needs to know what is happening and when.

    Would love to talk more


  • Hi Mel, I'm new to this site but thought I would reply to you as I think there are many similarities. My son is 15 but was also born with medical issues resulting in major surgery and trauma - the result of which I feel left him in the autistic spectrum. Has spent much of his life under different hospitals with many admissions....

    At school everything was put down to delayed developement although I could see there was obviously something not right - he is our 2nd child. Finally got the offical diagnosis (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) before moving on to secondary school, which  came as no surprise to me. He never seemed to display the traits at school that he showed at home, like you this was down to the strict routine. Even now, school holidays are a nightmare!! His main problem is the anxiety. Needs to know what is happening and when.

    Would love to talk more


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