I'm undiagnosed, and have questions about diagnosis

I'm a 38 year old female and I think I may have Asperger's.  My GP is going to refer me for an assessment.

I've always found socialising difficult, but thought I was just shy or had social anxiety.  But recently I noticed something worrying: I keep falling out with friends or offending them without intending to.  I don't know if this is a symptom of Asperger's or not?  Could someone clarify this?  The worrying thing was that I couldn't predict when it was going to happen, and sometimes I didn't even understand why it had happened.  That's when I started researching and trying to find out what the problem could be.  When I read about Asperger's, and symptoms like 'masking', I realised that I have masked all my life.  I realised that maybe the reason I have low self esteem is because I could never understand why I couldn't be social like others could.

Anyway, I am very pleased to have found this community.  Thank you!  It is great to know that I'm not alone in this experience.

I have some questions about diagnosis.  I am somewhat worried because I understand that many high-functioning autistic females are misdiagnosed.  I've read that if you do get an Asperger's diagnosis, you can access help and support.  Can anyone tell me what kind of help you can access, specifically in terms of therapy:  can you get help developing social skills, and help for low self esteem and anxiety, for example?  What kind of therapy is it?  Can you get to the stage where you can function more easily and get less anxious?

If I get diagnosed as NOT autistic, can I still participate in this forum?  I guess I could still read self-help books for Asperger's, and use what is relevant?  I am currently on the waiting list for CBT for anxiety (I have had therapy several times in my life, for issues including an eating disorder, low self esteem, anxiety, and insomnia, and I'm currently waiting for more therapy).  I suppose I could tell the therapist that I suspect I have Asperger's, but they wouldn't be able to give me specialist help for autism, but perhaps they could help me with social anxiety.

Thank you!

  • it all depends where u live and the severity of your diagnosis 

    but for me there was no support post diagnosis but i didnt really push for anything

    yes u can get your anxiety reduced----- i would ask your GP about that.

    there are local Stress Reduction classes that are regularly delivered by each health authority called "stresscontrol"   its about 6 weeks and its free and u dont have to talk and u wont be asked any questions

    its a good overall start --- and u get a free booklet for each night attended which covers what was just presented

    this is the doctor who developed it in scotland   https://stresscontrol.org/

  • it all depends where u live and the severity of your diagnosis 

    but for me there was no support post diagnosis but i didnt really push for anything

    yes u can get your anxiety reduced----- i would ask your GP about that.

    there are local Stress Reduction classes that are regularly delivered by each health authority called "stresscontrol"   its about 6 weeks and its free and u dont have to talk and u wont be asked any questions

    its a good overall start --- and u get a free booklet for each night attended which covers what was just presented

    this is the doctor who developed it in scotland   https://stresscontrol.org/

  • Hi Aidie,
    Thanks very much for your replies.  So if you do have therapy or help post-diagnosis, is it the same type of help as for NT people (i.e. CBT for anxiety) or is there such a thing as specific therapy for Asperger's?  I suppose I just want to know if I will still be able to get help for my problems, even if I am misdiagnosed.  I guess if the diagnosis is 'social anxiety' then I could still identify that the low self-esteem stems from feeling out of place socially, which would still help me address each problem.