Diagnosed at 50....and need friends who understand

Quick introduction.

I’m a 51 year old female (creak) who was diagnosed just over a year ago, and who needs friends.

Maybe I’m not allowed to say that? I don’t know!!! Not sure I know anything any more...Smile

While my diagnosis explained a lot, it also opened the doors to loads of questions. I’d masked all my life, had a “good” job, been in relationships, helped people, had a child....yet I suddenly felt I wasn’t the person I thought I was.

How do you get your head round that? 

Anyway...here I am, wondering - after a lifetime of blips - if I’m even worth knowing, while realising it would make the most sense to make friends in the neurodiverse world. 

Can you sense my confusion?

I hate the term “high functioning” as I believe it hides so many enormous struggles, but I have to admit I am it...or I appear to be just that. 

There you have it. It’d be nice to get to know some new people, so please say hi....


Parents Reply
  • ok someone has told me what nerd is yes i work with full time nerds on their projects we just dont use that term we just get on with the work i am building a life size R2D2. Sorry i am in a team building the R2D2 i help out. We are currently at the skinning phase and trying to source large white sheets of various white types of plastic. This R2D2 is powered by batteries and is remote control that was the easy bit
