Advice on getting my daughter assessed please

my daughter is 7 and has struggled with her emotions from a very young age. With complete rages, talk of wanting to die, wanting to kill people, all built up from feeling angry about something very small. Lately this has improved however I have started to notice a few other things such as finding playtimes difficult at school, she gets overwhelmed easily, occasionally has panic attacks and often likes to be alone at home. She is a model pupil at school but I think she holds everything in until she gets home. 
There are also a couple of sensory things she can’t cope with such as being completed afraid of being sick, panicking if someone near by feels sick. For example I saw a friend and her baby, the baby was sick a very tiny amount and my daughter ran away because she couldn’t deal with it. 
we have friends with an autistic son and we have increasingly noticed how similar some of their traits are. 
I’m not sure if I’m overreacting or if I’m justified in thinking that a GP appointment would be worthwhile to try and get a referral for an assessment. Any advice would be much appreciated. 

  • Hello NAS73079,

    Autism is a spectrum condition and affects people in different ways. You may like to look at our information about autism spectrum disorders to check if your daughter displays any traits:

    All the best,

    Karin Mod

  • You just reminded me of 2 times I ran around from people being sick as a kid I forgot that I done that and like your daughter I would bottle everything up from school and was different when I got home. 

    A lot of people get their children diagnosed at a young age. It's adults likely self who don't get diagnosed so early and try to fit into a world that isn't designed for us that tend to struggle a lot until the diagnosis then everything makes more sense.

    Seek advice from your friends with their child but I think in the long term it would benefit your daughter to know sooner than later.