
Hi I'm new here my 17 year old son has strong symptoms of autism ADHD bypolar mental health issues, he is part time at college and is finding it Very hard to find part time work, I've been asking authority since he was 3 to diagnose but noone wants to know, any suggestions would be appreciated

  • first welcome to this forum. 

    I am not surprised he is finding it hard to find part-time work because the job market is very low at the moment the worst it has been for some time.

    Does your son want a diagnosis ?

    Does your son believe he is autistic ?

    Just curious, are you autistic  ?

    Can u get your son on here ?

    you dont have to answer any of my questions,,, it just helps others replying after me


    You may like to contact our Autism Helpline team where you can talk things through more and who can provide you with information and advice.

    You can call them on 0808 800 4104 (Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm.Please note that the Helpline is experiencing a high volume of calls and it may take a couple of attempts before you get through to speak to an adviser.

  • Hi, and welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry you're having difficulties accessing the proper support and understanding for your son. In my experience, you can only go along with the normal rules of engagement for so long. Eventually, when you realise (as is your case) that if you're not getting fair treatment or being ignored, then you have to raise you voice and shout louder. That's the only form of communication many of these organisations respond to, sadly.

    If you're able to, I suggest writing/sending a vey strongly worded letter/email straight to the leaders of these organisations detailing how the services have failed you and the consequence of these failures on your son's life and yours. Depending on which organisation you're dealing with, each will have its own, usually flawed, complaints procedure. I suggest you bypass these were possible and find the name and contact details of someone further up the food chain and email/write/phone them directly. Each one will have a regional complaints division, but to get to them, it often takes a lot of time navigating your way through hordes of ineffectual minions. 

    You might also need an advocate for this as not everyone feels able to do this by themselves. Depending on where you are in the UK, there are various groups and societies that can help you. In Manchester, there is I Am

    They are very supportive.

    In the south, there is the charity SEND

    These are just two that I know of. Maybe someone else knows of others.

    If you're talking about autism is particular, you have every right to demand an autistic assessment. No one can prevent your son from having one, if you insist. You can call your GP and insist upon a referral. They have no authority to deny you one without solid medical reasons.

    Finally, I often contact Government departments directly. You can do this here:

    You can contact the minister responsible or you can contact the Prime Minister's office directly. I have found this to be a most effective approach for tackling some of the systematic failures in public-funded bodies. 

    Good luck!

  • I think you'll have to turn to higher authorities or make a complaint if the services are refusing to diagnose him, other support services won't be able to assist without an official diagnosis.