Introducing myself - Trying to reach out

Hi Slight smile

My name is Lila, I am 23 and I am just another person in this community waiting for an assessment.

I started this process more than a year ago. It took me this time to finally get onto a waiting list for an assessment which should happen in about 18 months. 

I was very desperate lately so I also decided to do this process privately as it should take much less time (about 6 months). I am currently waiting for them to say if they accept my assessment or not.

All of this has been one of the biggest challenges of my life. So I am finally taking the step to speak up on this community. It has been really nice to read you since a few months and now I feel the energy to exchange Slight smile

I am really passionate with visual creativity since really young (illustrations, decorations...). I have a degree as a visual merchandiser but am unemployed as life at school was a challenge already but life in a company is just umbarable for me... I am seeing a therapist and going through a big down time since 7 months (socially isolating myself). So... I really would love to communicate on this platform and feel like I am not doing this journey by myself anymore.

Happy to hear anything from you, support, common interests, or just a "hello" !

  • Hello there, waiting for an assessment too, though I'm about twice your age. Jump on in here, at least you'll be talking to people who get it and I'm sure you'll have lots to contribute. 

    The wait is horrible, huh? 

    Meanwhile, Mind might be able to help. They have courses or services for people waiting for assessment.

  • Hello there, waiting for an assessment too, though I'm about twice your age. Jump on in here, at least you'll be talking to people who get it and I'm sure you'll have lots to contribute. 

    The wait is horrible, huh? 

    Meanwhile, Mind might be able to help. They have courses or services for people waiting for assessment.

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