Masking - Open

If anyone would like to share their experience with masking, or offer advice to anyone, or your opinions feel free to share it here. I would also be interested to hear from you guys, both NT's and ND's


Parents Reply Children
  • 100% it depends on how you grow I'm sure of it, my family are very very extroverted and social I'd probably say more so than most people, you know you come across those people in life and the KNOW and are friends with EVERYONE my family are very much like that. so for me I had in a way a great family to learn all different kinds of mannerisms and speech patterns and ways to talk so I'd just emulate certain members of family for certain situations but my autism lets me when I think I I'm "using" the right person in the right situation but I'm not and I'll get myself in trouble in some kind of way because I was ACTING the wrong way. 

  • Yes, I hold my tongue in groups of people I don't know until I think I have something useful to say.  People have said they thought me a tad formal and aloof until they got to know me - and found a totally different person underneath that.  I have no idea why they think I'm formal.  I'm not purposefully trying to be.