
I've tried to write this about 12 times and I keep deleting it because I'm scared to press post. 

I'm 29 and I was diagnosed with ASD 4 years ago. I have a few friends and a long term partner. All of them are as understanding as they can be but recently I've found it more and more difficult to express myself and explain how I'm feeling. 

I have just found this forum and thought it would be a great place to find other people who understand autism on a different level where we could share and relate to one another. 

If you would be interested in making friends and/or comparing experiences that would be great!

Ps. I may take a while to reply to things as I've just returned to work post lockdown and I'm struggling with a new routine. 

  • have u ever done ur cats or guinea pigs hair?

  • Haha, I brush them a lot if that counts? 

  • when I was 14/15 I had about 5 guinea pigs, all was fine,, then one day i had 17 guinea pigs  Overnight where  2 sets of births !   One Male killed 2 of the piglets  so he was separated. Then there was stability for a while and loads of fun. When the piglets where big enough my local pet shop gave me money for them so they could sell them on as pets.

    One of my guinea pigs actually came directly from south america. He was very fierce, bigger, and wilder than the other guinea pigs.

    I love the constant squeaky chatter they have when in a group

  • i have no pets at the moment  ( sorry I still  have goldfish in a pond ) 

    I had a tsi chu, He died 3/4 months ago  he was 14. Great wee dog really bossy but at same time really silly. I mean he would be cross with you but in a stupid way.

    in past I have had snakes ,lizards,  terrapins, tortoise, guinea pigs, rabbits, seagull ( stayed with my rabbit ! ), many dogs, hamsters ( one born with 3 legs and he lost an eye in a fight !), multi hamsters  ( by accident  i thought i had 2 boys ) , chickens ( free range ) and some rescue hens. 

    tropical fish and cold water fish ( goldfish )

  • Wow that's a lot of guinea pigs! Jealous!

    I like the sound of your wild guinea pig, he sounds like he was really cool!

    I used to have 3 but unfortunately 2 have passed away now so we just have the one, she's all black and called Waffle haha. She makes the cutest sounds, my cats are mesmerized by her. 

    Have you got any other pets? I love hearing animal stories Grin

  • Wow that's a lot of guinea pigs! Jealous!

    I like the sound of your wild guinea pig, he sounds like he was really cool!

    I used to have 3 but unfortunately 2 have passed away now so we just have the one, she's all black and called Waffle haha. She makes the cutest sounds, my cats are mesmerized by her. 

    Have you got any other pets? I love hearing animal stories Grin

  • i have no pets at the moment  ( sorry I still  have goldfish in a pond ) 

    I had a tsi chu, He died 3/4 months ago  he was 14. Great wee dog really bossy but at same time really silly. I mean he would be cross with you but in a stupid way.

    in past I have had snakes ,lizards,  terrapins, tortoise, guinea pigs, rabbits, seagull ( stayed with my rabbit ! ), many dogs, hamsters ( one born with 3 legs and he lost an eye in a fight !), multi hamsters  ( by accident  i thought i had 2 boys ) , chickens ( free range ) and some rescue hens. 

    tropical fish and cold water fish ( goldfish )