Desperate to get help

I've been with my partner almost 4 years and her son Glenn is 24 years old and has autism adhd and severe anxiety issues. 

I was quite badly injured in a car accident in August 2019, and also lost my job towards the end of last year, due to Covid. 

Since then things are awful between myself and Glenn. 

I'm getting counselling for my anger, frustration, depression following my accident. 

I'm trying to understand him but I really think at times he uses it as almost an excuse to not do things, change his underwear, shower. 

He just shows no passion or interest in anything apart from playing PS4 games and whatever he's having to eat every day. 

I'm desperate for help/advice as things are at breaking point now.

Thanks in advance. 

  • You need the time to take care of yourself and to recover. Many things happened to you that were out of your control, such as the car accident, and with losing your job because of covid19. And then you have to take care of someone else on top of everything. That's a lot of stress to handle.

    Perhaps you need some personal space where you can process all your negative emotions and let them out. Sometimes we bottle up negative emotions, but then it'll come out aggressively or passive aggressively. It's good to process emotions so they are validated and understood.

    People with severe anxiety can have issues with self-care. Showers might make them feel vulnerable, and they might have issues with travelling outside due to feelings of vulnerability as well. Glenn's lack of passion and interest sounds like the description of clinical depression.
    What saved me and got rid of my lifelong anxiety and depression, was noticing my stomach issues. My body felt like it was deteriorating from the inside out. I had to notice that it was certain foods that caused me pain, and to stop eating them, and everything about my mental and physical health cleared up in a few days. Most people with autism do better on a gluten free and dairy free diet, and maybe it would be good for Glenn to try it to see if there's any improvements to his mood.

  • You need the time to take care of yourself and to recover. Many things happened to you that were out of your control, such as the car accident, and with losing your job because of covid19. And then you have to take care of someone else on top of everything. That's a lot of stress to handle.

    Perhaps you need some personal space where you can process all your negative emotions and let them out. Sometimes we bottle up negative emotions, but then it'll come out aggressively or passive aggressively. It's good to process emotions so they are validated and understood.

    People with severe anxiety can have issues with self-care. Showers might make them feel vulnerable, and they might have issues with travelling outside due to feelings of vulnerability as well. Glenn's lack of passion and interest sounds like the description of clinical depression.
    What saved me and got rid of my lifelong anxiety and depression, was noticing my stomach issues. My body felt like it was deteriorating from the inside out. I had to notice that it was certain foods that caused me pain, and to stop eating them, and everything about my mental and physical health cleared up in a few days. Most people with autism do better on a gluten free and dairy free diet, and maybe it would be good for Glenn to try it to see if there's any improvements to his mood.

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