Autistic Children in a broken relationship

Hi everyone our beautiful 7 year old Autistic Grandaughter Willow has a Father who has a court order to see her every fortnight for two hours, I was made " Mediator " and no follow up hearing was ordered basically leaving us to " get along " the court was`nt even informed that Willow was Autistic, not giving our Daughter the chance to say so and the Father has no understanding of Autism or seems to have any desire to learn to understand . He cannot understand why she does not call him " Daddy "  keeps asking why she " behaves " in certain ways ( meltdowns etc ) can`t understand why he cannot take her to his house for the Weekend !! ( she is non - verbal having just a few words etc ) and still in nappies . If anyone else has or knows of a similar situation and has any advice it would be gratefully accepted and appreciated. Also Willow does not have or has ever had a Social Worker ( being assessed some 4 years ago now ) , has she an entitlement to one please if anyone knows as if she did there is a Child Services contact centre near us where she could go for these visits and perhaps they could see what is going on with him !!. Many  thanks for listening and we look forward to any help and advice given and gratefully recieved or if we could offer any in return or maybe just some old fashioned supporting conversation. Stay safe and well Sue & Dave ( Grandparents ) Hayley ( Mum ) and Willow