Hi, although it was suggested a few years ago i might be on the spectrum, having dealt with a bunch of other mental health issues, i've just started to look at my ASD traits as it frustrates me that although i've got a loving partner , i struggle to relate to other people, and most particularly  my 22 year old son, i just never know what to say, i don't do small talk .. unless its about guitars, physics or work ..maybe i'm mistakenly looking for a magic bullet, rather than acceptance of who i am .. 

unlike other things which have improved over time with work , i feel really stuck around relationships and my default setting is always to isolate (and play guitar ), so i've taken the plunge , joined here ...

Just finding my way around


  • , i struggle to relate to other people, and most particularly  my 22 year old son,

    I had a proper panic when my son got to about 12, the age at which my relationship with my father ceased to exist.  I decided the only solution was to spend time with him and take an interest in his world.  I now have a relationship with him just as close as with my daughters.  Find some common ground, going to a film, going for a walk in the countryside, play video games, go down the pub for a pint and ask him how things are going.  He is still your son, and all sons want to have a dad they can talk to.  If talkings hard, make sure you make opportunities to listen Slight smile

    Right with you on the guitars.  My Martin and Taylor are singing their approval Wink

  • , i struggle to relate to other people, and most particularly  my 22 year old son,

    I had a proper panic when my son got to about 12, the age at which my relationship with my father ceased to exist.  I decided the only solution was to spend time with him and take an interest in his world.  I now have a relationship with him just as close as with my daughters.  Find some common ground, going to a film, going for a walk in the countryside, play video games, go down the pub for a pint and ask him how things are going.  He is still your son, and all sons want to have a dad they can talk to.  If talkings hard, make sure you make opportunities to listen Slight smile

    Right with you on the guitars.  My Martin and Taylor are singing their approval Wink

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