Horrible times but still alive!

Hi. Hello. I ended up in a horrible psychiatric hospital a few days ago. They didn't really know what was wrong with me and they were very pushy on the build up with loads of questions, changes and pills so many different trial pills for no reason they were telling me. It was and is extrmemly distressing this just pushed my delusions and hallucinations more along with the uncertainty and changes in environment it all got too much and I had an extremely bad meltdown and couldn't even speak right and was so confused with what others Intensions were and it was hell.

It still is hell but I at least got out the hospital and am back home. I guess I just wanted to ask yous a few questions!

Does any one else have to deal with bad memory issues to the point of getting lost in a familiar area? 

Does anyone else have to deal with visual hallucinations? 

Does anyone else deal with a great amount of confusion with other people? 

Does anyone else struggle with following conversations and forgetting what's going on! 

Does anyone else have a sensory toy! Mines called goochy. 

  • Hi there. I hope you are doing okay. I have been admitted a couple of times with hallucinations - I have Bipolar.

    It is very frightening being so unwell and I am on a lot of medication to keep me as well as possible. So far I've not been in hospital for  over 10 years. So that is good, but it's always in the back of my mind.

    Anyway, welcome to the forum.

  • Note guys that I haven't received a formal diagnosis it's just one of the things the strongly suspect Stuck out tongue winking eye