Finally feeling ready to use my voice (words)

Hello everyone,

It has taken me a while to know how to introduce my self on here and I finally feel like I should. My name is Adam and I am 38 years old and I am currently self diagnosed. Being autistic has never been on my radar until the end of last year. I have always felt different since as long as I can remember but I would constantly tell my self that everyone feels the way I do. By that I mean I have always struggled making friends or just being in social situations. When I did make friends I found the whole experience became really overwhelming. I would get to the point when I just could not handle being around anyone and I needed to be alone. The opportunity to make new friends and create relationships became lesser as I got older, which looking back I feel like this was because over time I just started to avoid the chance to make friends to prevent the experience happening again. I have not had a close friend since I was in high school.

I have had relationships all throughout my life which have always suffered for reasons I never fully understood. I am currently in a relationship that I have been a part of for ten years. It has always had tough periods and for the most part I didn't really understand why until recently. This past year came with many problems. Not including covid-19, I have had a difficult time at work because I have been mistreated and bullied and eventually had to take my employers to a work tribunal because they changed my contract without consent. This led to an increase in the mistreatment at work, often I was completely ignored despite trying to communicate with them. I eventually received a threatening phone call from my employers and I have not been to work since, I have never taken time off work in my life and now I find my self unable to face being there. While all of this was going on I also lost my dog in August of last year and I am suffering just as much today I was then with that loss. I got to a point where I completely broke down. This was where autism came to my attention. My partner found an article about autistic burnout which I read and instantly felt like I was reading an article about my own life. This led me to read a lot more about autism which I identified with so much of. I referred myself to the nhs wellbeing service and have been talking to a therapist for a few weeks now, mostly about my social anxieties and difficulties I have with communicating with people. At first I thought it was helping but I am now feeling like I have hit a bit of a wall with that. 

My relationship has always had its ups and downs like I imagine most relationships do. We are currently in a place where I am trying to understand more about autism and the effects being autistic has had on my life without even realising it was. I am building up to speaking to my doctor and getting an official diagnosis but at the moment the prospect is very scary to me. I don't know if my relationship is going to survive everything that we have been through, I see that it has been just as hard on my partner as it has for me and currently it seems like too much damage has been done. I feel very anxious right now because so much in my life is changing and I am very much a creature of habit. 

I emailed the national autistic society just before Christmas and their response led me here. I feel like I have been on a very big rant here and I if anyone is still reading then I do appreciate that. I think I just needed to say some of these things somewhere and around people that might understand where I am at.

Thank you for giving me the space to do this. 

  • its good to rant sometimes.

    Welcome to this forum.

    I highly recommend you get a new dog they are immensely good from mental health issues of all sorts. 

    I know you are aiming to get a diagnosis. I think this should  really force yourself to act. I mean to to your GP and ask for a diagnosis then sit back and relax while that happens.

    You may well have autism but a professional may spot co-morbids like OCD, ADHD, anxiety, and depression as well which makes things more complex.

    here is the pathway I followed and i added some extra notes. Most GP are happy to refer you once they see the reasons why.

    followed by my extra notes

    the text in bold is optional and for people who cant speak to their GP.

    Make a list of reasons why u think u are autistic.

    include relatives in your family who are autistic or adhd or called weird/different

    and a list of occasions when u have been called weird, autistic, different

    the list should be electronic ie so you can email it to anyone who wants it.

    Print out a copy and hand to your doctor *with a cover letter asking to be referred for a preliminary autism assessment*.

    he will read it in front of you ask a few questions and will refer you. Then you wait to be called for the initial assessment.