Newly Diagnosed 4 yr old Son

Hi, Im Susaye, my 4 year old was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism yesterday. We had an idea that he may be on the spectrum but i was still completely blown away when they told us. Thought it would be nice to chat with other people that are on this emotional rollercoaster!! And please someone tell me that eventually i will be able to talk about it without crying?Frown

  • So it goes on the same way it seems as it has ever been, Mums & Dads unable to get

    a diagnosis for their child,being left in limbo being made to feel guilty in attempting to

    put pressure on those whom are responsible for such but more likely to be sent away

    being made to feel so bad,cause this is what you have produced. My older son is 50 years old this year almost same amount of years as the NAS was first established and I have watched, seen same poor service dished out to so many little ones and felt

    the heart break of each family which could and should be made a great deal less if

    the General Practitioners referred the child onto professionals responsible for diagnosis

    at the earliest possible moment and supported the families, life for them would have more meaning.

    The sadness a parent really feels is made and played upon by some very uncaring,

    unfeeling people from all walks of life and trying to face this straight on is no easy task for parents seeing for the first time what life is going to be like for them but

    more important to them will be how the future pans out for their child with such

    people around it's difficult to feel confident for the future.

    However, I would just like to say that you must feel confident in knowing that the

    NAS are truely there for you and your child and support is there at the touch of

    your laptop or phone so use it because it has grown like my son into something

    a lot bigger and better,  its your gain.

    Kind regards,


  • So it goes on the same way it seems as it has ever been, Mums & Dads unable to get

    a diagnosis for their child,being left in limbo being made to feel guilty in attempting to

    put pressure on those whom are responsible for such but more likely to be sent away

    being made to feel so bad,cause this is what you have produced. My older son is 50 years old this year almost same amount of years as the NAS was first established and I have watched, seen same poor service dished out to so many little ones and felt

    the heart break of each family which could and should be made a great deal less if

    the General Practitioners referred the child onto professionals responsible for diagnosis

    at the earliest possible moment and supported the families, life for them would have more meaning.

    The sadness a parent really feels is made and played upon by some very uncaring,

    unfeeling people from all walks of life and trying to face this straight on is no easy task for parents seeing for the first time what life is going to be like for them but

    more important to them will be how the future pans out for their child with such

    people around it's difficult to feel confident for the future.

    However, I would just like to say that you must feel confident in knowing that the

    NAS are truely there for you and your child and support is there at the touch of

    your laptop or phone so use it because it has grown like my son into something

    a lot bigger and better,  its your gain.

    Kind regards,


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