Received diagnosis of ASD today

Hi all,

At 54 years old, I self referred myself to my local NHS diagnostic service about 2.5 years ago; last week I had my 2nd online appointment and today received a diagnosis of ASD over the phone, with more information to follow in the post.

At the moment I feel exhausted, but relieved to finally feel able to begin to move forward and put some past life experiences in context - as a next step I am thinking of accessing some counselling via another local self referral service.

Has counselling worked for other people?

  • i did 10 weeks of counselling and got nowhere --- my mind was way too stubborn, nothing changed   but you may be different and my suggestion would be to ask for a counsellor with autism experience. Also counsellors vary so things may happen for you, so give it a go if it is free.

    I am using meditation now ( 2/3 years into it ). Nothing happened until 2 years in ! ( at 30min per day + constant reading on how to do meditation  ) 

  • i did 10 weeks of counselling and got nowhere --- my mind was way too stubborn, nothing changed   but you may be different and my suggestion would be to ask for a counsellor with autism experience. Also counsellors vary so things may happen for you, so give it a go if it is free.

    I am using meditation now ( 2/3 years into it ). Nothing happened until 2 years in ! ( at 30min per day + constant reading on how to do meditation  ) 
