Adult Referral

My Case Lead submitted an adult autism referral in December, still haven’t heard anything. I’m really worried that I didn’t put enough info on the forms or that I still masked some elements. I did it with her and she wrote down a lot I think. I trust her that she would have written it up well as she has her own experience, I’m just really worried it’ll come back and they’ll reject my referral. I know I’m autistic, I know it, I just hate this element of proving it and jumping through hoops. The waiting around is killing me too. 

Can you make another referral if they reject you initially? Otherwise I won’t know where to turn 

  • Hi, 

    I asked for a referral my go submitted it along with the aq10 and any supporting documents, only to be told that they had not submitted enough evidence and that I need the GP to submit more evidence. 

    I have paid for another online test to support the aq10 test.

    Has anyone been rejected and then accepted after a

    second referral? 

  • Yes you can ask for a second opinion and for that not to be with the original health authority.

  • What is a case lead? I went to my GP for a referral & after a few months of not hearing anything I chased it up, then I got a rejection, which considering the amount of evidence I'd produced I refused to accept, so I saw another GP at the surgery. Turned out the GP had not submitted any of my evidence. On my rejection letter it said that if I had any evidence to back up the claim to forward it on. Luckily the second GP was more helpful & got me to email it all over so he could email it across to them for speed. Still, 6 months or so wasted due to incompetence though. I bet the first GP was hoping I'd just accept it & give up. Done that before, but not this time. I'd check to see that your referral & all the supporting evidence has been received & ask for a timeline.

  • I tried that, but she’s been ‘reallocated’ due to Covid... which is not great 

  • i didnt hear for months either,,,,,but  you should contact your "Case Lead", just see if all is ok