New female aspie! Price of autism assessment and employment disclosure?

Hello, very happy to have recently joined this forum. I don't usually post or talk about myself, but would like to introduce myself here and ask a question about costs of assessments.

I have recently come to believe/realise I am high-functioning ASD/Asperger's. Since primary school I never fitted in and was bullied endlessly. I have developed a mask over the years (although my close family can see through it) to try and fit in moreso, but I hardly ever truly feel connected and any friends I actually do have/enjoy spending time with are male and most likely high functioning like myself. Thought things would get better at uni, but I started struggling even more with socialising/networking, and became reclusive, anxious and depressed for over 2 years. Recently, I finally reached out to someone at uni and was referred to counselling. Started doing my own research as well and stumbled upon Tony Attwood's youtube lectures - everything resonated so deeply with me! Have been avidly reading his books as well as others such as Aspergirls, and finally feel that there are other people out there who understand me. Also very happy to have found this forum. My counsellor is very supportive and believes that if the self-diagnosis and suggested coping strategies feel right to me, then I should learn what I can from the resources out there and go for an autism assessment.

My uni offers autism assessments, but it costs £600?! Apparently as a student I 'only' need to pay £95 contribution - is this a common/good price? I really have no clue so would appreciate hearing about others' experiences of private vs NHS/various costs. Also, I am not sure if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks of having an official diagnosis in terms of NT stigma in the workplace. Perhaps I am scared about the bullying/stigma of disclosing (if I am diagnosed) whilst also wanting employers to be more understanding of any adjustments that would help me...

Thank you for taking the time to read!

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