
Hey NAS.

I hope you all are doing well. I have just been diagnosed ASD October 2020. I am so relieved that I now have a diagnosis as I can understand an awful lot about my childhood and early adulthood.

I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy in 1991 by a panel of neurologists and doctors as back . My childhood was extremely sheltered, did not socialise with anyone and kept myself to myself. Starting as an adolescent due to trauma and devastation from parents, neglect and loneliness I started with what I thought was depression and mental health.  As the years past what I thought was depression and mental health became dramatically worse where I almost lost full respect from my family.

Then 3-4 years ago, one of my sisters stated that I might be ASD. I didn't know what to think at the time, so the initial thought was 'in one ear and out the other'. Then six months later I started to think about that statement my sister originally said. I started doing some research online because 3-4 years ago I didn't know what the symptoms of ASD were, and found out quickly, it is a wide spectrum.

When I realised that the symptoms that I have had most of my life matched the research I did into Autism. I decided to make an appointment with my GP to discuss getting an assessment. I was then transferred to a mental health specialist who referred me onto the waiting list.

I have been in a number of employments throughout the start of my adult life including working for myself. After being out of work for over a year, I saw a post to join a company which I have been longing to work for, for the last 15 years. Now I am part of the Civil Service working part time.

With having this diagnosis, I now understand everything bad that has occurred to me leading up to the moment I got my results. I am grateful and thankful of my diagnosis, as I can say 'I now know who I am' and that feeling feels good.

The only thing I am struggling with is where I can go next in relation to having the correct support. I have been a member of NAS since October 2019 and been reading the community at least once or twice a week.

I don't do socialising in person and I especially don't do social media, but it be nice to have a little natter with the community and hope you would welcome me into your community.