Life quality

Hello everyone, 

My name is Charlie. I live in Denmark with my wife and two kids - both kids are on the spectrum in each their way Slight smile

I'd really like to get some input from all of you regarding: 

1. Do you feel content (edited from contempt) with the quality of life you are living?

2. What efforts are you making to improve you life?

I'll kick in with my own experiences along the way - but first I'd really like to hear your experiences.

All the best, 


  • 1. Do you feel content (edited from contempt) with the quality of life you are living?

    No. I'm pretty much just waiting to die at this point. 

     2. What efforts are you making to improve your life?

    I've been trying to get outside more, but too many places even just up the road from me remain inaccessible to me, and so I'm learning that there is no space for me in a  'simple' more 'wild' life I'd want and would the lifestyle that would be better for the world. And that it's phsycially disabled people like myself that help keep us in our civilised state. By 'civilised' i mean this negatively, where we live in 'concrete jungles' and such things. 

    So not sure how to improve life 

  • To be honest, I am not sure if I completely understand the second part of your answer. However, the first part is very clear (except I'm unsure whether any sarcasm is in there). I am sorry to hear how the world feels inaccessible and how it brings you down. And I guess I understand to some point, how places feels like a closed club only for the normal functioning. Be it in a physically or psychologically manner.

    How are you disabled? If I may ask :) 

    I really hope that you will have the strength to find some light in your life going forward. 

  • Apologies for the depressing reply. My moods are up and down like a yo yo. 

    What I mean by my response to what am I doing to help my life, is that I've been trying to pursue my interest in the outside world, but finding it increasingly frustrated all the places that are shut off to me. So feeling like i cant improve my life. 

    I have a heart condition (born with parts missing, only half of it works)  and a chronic illness which doctors think I became more susceptible to from stress and can only walk short distances, using a wheelchair for longer distances. 

  • Apologies for the depressing reply. My moods are up and down like a yo yo. 

    What I mean by my response to what am I doing to help my life, is that I've been trying to pursue my interest in the outside world, but finding it increasingly frustrated all the places that are shut off to me. So feeling like i cant improve my life. 

    I have a heart condition (born with parts missing, only half of it works)  and a chronic illness which doctors think I became more susceptible to from stress and can only walk short distances, using a wheelchair for longer distances. 
