Life quality

Hello everyone, 

My name is Charlie. I live in Denmark with my wife and two kids - both kids are on the spectrum in each their way Slight smile

I'd really like to get some input from all of you regarding: 

1. Do you feel content (edited from contempt) with the quality of life you are living?

2. What efforts are you making to improve you life?

I'll kick in with my own experiences along the way - but first I'd really like to hear your experiences.

All the best, 


  • 1. I am neither content or contemptible. Life is just the way it is; some things are awesome, others suck. There will be blessings in my life, coming up, but I won't rub it in the face of others. I have been broke many times, and know that there's a fine-line between success and failure.

    2. Music, and following the Football, keep me from going berserk.

  • Wise words... For some time I've focussed on balance. There is a balance in everything and when you're high or low, the next thing is to focus on getting back to balance. To me that also means being content. I don't want to change that. I just want to be able to find my way back into balance. 

  • That's how I approach things. I can be too busy, or too lazy, and find it hard to find a good balance. Same with most things.

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