Life quality

Hello everyone, 

My name is Charlie. I live in Denmark with my wife and two kids - both kids are on the spectrum in each their way Slight smile

I'd really like to get some input from all of you regarding: 

1. Do you feel content (edited from contempt) with the quality of life you are living?

2. What efforts are you making to improve you life?

I'll kick in with my own experiences along the way - but first I'd really like to hear your experiences.

All the best, 


  • A big survival tool for me has been to only work 2.5-3 days a week. I've used Fri to recover, weekends like others, mon to have a day recovering from social wkd! Then 1 or 1.5 hours off Tues-Thurs.

    It's meant being careful with money, but having more time helps with that, and you don't need to reward yourself with alcohol and treats so much. Basically not eating and drinking out saves me a lot!

  • We've actually taken some of the same steps in our lives. We have simplified our lives a lot to make us less dependent on money. So I can 100% relate to how simplifying your life makes it much easier. Demands make it really hard to cope with being autistic.

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