ASD just confirmed. What Next? Mental Health and Employment

I'm 36, so slightly late in life to be getting a diagnosis. Referred by the Mental Health team as they believed a Specialist ASD team would help with my Anxiety and Depression more than they could as I didn't respond to counselling/CBT is the normal way. My GP response to the referral was 'Oh I thought you had already been diagnosed' so it wasn't a surprise when the assessment team took less than 1/2 the 90 minute initial assessment to confirm the diagnosis.

That was 5 weeks ago, yet it took me until yesterday to be able to say it out loud for the 1st time and told my partner of 14 years. Although I expected the diagnosis it has left me feeling even worse as I feel it just confirms any negativity I thought about myself.

I am still awaiting my post-assessment follow up, but I was wondering what can I expect, where can I go for support.

In Addition, my company moved due to the Covid regulations and originally redundant I am now on a 6 month contract until the end of March to help the relocation, but soon will be looking for a new job.

I am no good at interviews as I struggle to connect with the interviewer and feel that I have no chance competing for a Job at the level I am currently at (I progressed within my current company). Should I disclose my ASD diagnosis to potential employers? I feel that if I do, they would not think me capable of holding a management level job. Any advice would be grateful.

  • I'm still awaiting a follow up myself. I got my diagnosis at the end of the first lockdown and before the one in November but had applied for a position during the first lockdown but since I had a few conditions that I made my boss aware of, I just updated them and said "I also have autism" they seemed quite fine with that but it's in art so I suppose they get a lot of people with it there. I am waiting to see someone from Autism Hampshire and need to contact adult services as well as my new doctor but I thought it best to wait to see Autism Hampshire first but that's taking time because I don't like zoom meetings.

  • Thanks, I won't expect a follow up anytime soon then - but then the original assessment took over 12 months to take place.

    I wouldn't have an issue telling my current employers as I think they would understand, just not sure about how to approach potential employers. 

    I don't like Zoom meetings either, but I hope it goes well with Autism Hampshire. I don't even know who to contact in the North West - Autism Manchester page is a broken link and currently feel like I've just been told 'You have Autism, Bye' 

  • Thanks, I won't expect a follow up anytime soon then - but then the original assessment took over 12 months to take place.

    I wouldn't have an issue telling my current employers as I think they would understand, just not sure about how to approach potential employers. 

    I don't like Zoom meetings either, but I hope it goes well with Autism Hampshire. I don't even know who to contact in the North West - Autism Manchester page is a broken link and currently feel like I've just been told 'You have Autism, Bye' 

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