Hi, I’m new

Hi, I joined this community because I’m hoping to find other people in a similar situation to mine. For several years I’ve thought that my adult daughter has Aspergers but, other than the online test, we haven’t pursued a diagnosis but recent events have made me think we should. FInding out about Aspergers and changing the way we interact with my daughter has really helped in heading off and minimising meltdowns, so we didn’t think that a diagnosis would do anything for her. But now she has some serious physical conditions requiring inpatient and outpatient consultations and treatments. Before covid someone would be allowed to go in with her to interpret for her as she is very literal and doesn’t always ‘get’ what’s being said to her, and explain her problem to medical staff as they usually don’t ‘get’ what she’s saying. Now she has to go in alone and becomes distressed and confused - sometimes this shows during the consultation and they think she’s selfish and obstructive but mostly it comes out later at home and we don’t always know exactly how she got to that meltdown so it makes it difficult to deal with. We think she would benefit from a diagnosis so that we could argue for someone to accompany her, but I’ve heard that assessments take months or years. Unfortunately we don’t have the luxury of time as she has 2 young children who need their mother in a happier place. 

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