New diagnosis for 14 yr old daughter

I'm a single mum of a 14 year old daughter who has had issues since she was 10 which have meant she hasn't attended any school since early 2018!  It's taken a long time and a lot of pushing to finally get my daughter assessed and today we got confirmation she is autistic. I finally managed to get an education, health and care plan put in place late last year as well but nothing has happened with that, possibly due to COVID but more likely a lack of commitment from her school.

I am lucky that I have been working from home since March last year, as a member of the NHS who supports GP practices, so have been around for her far more which has helped her relax a little. Her fascination is animals and we do have multiple and varied pets which are also a comfort for her.

I think I really need to understand what is out there to help me support my daughter both to develop and grow personally but also for her education. Also is there any other support I could get?

Thanks in advance

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