The 23 year struggle to find friends and maintain relationships.

I'm content with being alone when I am engaging in activities that I can do by myself. (I have ASD). Other times... not so much. I yearn for meaningful relationships. I feel as though society is a secret club that everyone knows the code to get in and I am left in the dark.

I used to observe people; watch how they do it, watch how they... socialise. They're weird. "The weather is nice" "it's cold" "oh it's getting dark earlier now".

People say these things to eachother - I'm serious, they do. It's obvious, it's clearly obvious. No one has conversations taking about how the grass looked green last week and how it was green yesterday and then again today.

How do I compete with people if I can't even force myself to say these things in an attempt to join this secret club? They're so many rules and no one tells you what they are. I freeze in fear if a stranger says hi to me. I become mute. I panic in uncomfort and fear if someone goes for the hug without warning.

The scent of someone else is more telling than my intuition. Tactile functionality is my go to... - I have been in a lot of trouble for that. I fail at every chance I get to make friends. I feel like I can't do anything else to chance that.

I recently got into a sexual relationship with my girlfriend 5 months ago.

The first day I met her I had a huge meltdown, lost the power of speech filled with anxiety and bit her nose. I didn't plan to do any of that. It happened.

But she stayed. She's different, she's special...caring, I love her. There are things I don't understand here and I've screwed up so many times and she's still here... I want to show her I care too - properly but everytime I try I just keep making silly mistakes. I fear it'll end before we even start.

It makes it harder that she is 90 miles away but the travel isn't so bad because I get to ride the trains!

Coronavirus doesn't help either, with my girlfriends and finding any chance of making friends.

My new years resolution, every year, is to make friends, even if it's just one. It never happens... going into 2021 - I've become tired. It will never work. I can't order friends off amazon, and weirdly enough, my struggle extends onto social media. Despite being behind my phone the crippling fear still happens upon meeting someone new.

I'm tired of being tired and I already use the energy I have for things I don't want.

I don't know what to do.

  • Making friends with NTs is hard work - they are unbelievably shallow and grasping - you're better off looking at all your childhood interests like Lego, model trains, cars, planes etc. and finding adult groups into the same things - and as the conversations will tend to based on discussing 'things' rather than the weather, you'll all have something to talk about - and, you'll probably find that most of them are ASD too.   Smiley

    I'm mid 50s and I still play with toys - and my wife of 30 years has stayed young at heart with me - she had Harry Potter Lego for Christmas - I had a load of Airfix models.

    Don't deny your inner child - embrace it!

  • That sounds like an incredible idea because I've always been told to find interests that adults would like.

    I will embrace my inner child!

Reply Children
  • I've always been told to find interests that adults would like.

    In my experience, 'adults' means NTs - and they rarely have any interests or hobbies so they are reduced to talking about weather or grass.      Wherever you find people who know their stuff or do interesting things or have lots of hobbies, I'll bet they are either ASD or undiagnosed ASD - and have been lucky enough to find a career or niche business where they can mostly be themselves and make money doing it.

    All of my long-term friends (even still from childhood) are nerds like me - software engineers, pilots, tech-business owners, engineers etc. and all have tons of hobbies.     If you go to any techy museum, I'll bet almost all the volunteers are aspie, any classic car club, model railway club, RC cars & planes, comic-cons etc. - even Brickish - the Lego club is stuffed full of us.

    The classic aspie hunting ground is the model show at Alexandra Palace in London , usually in January - if you want to see thousands of aspies all in one place - or even MCM Comic Con at the Excel - no NTs go to that much trouble to make costumes (unless they are pro-models looking to get into the media). 

    I've always found these groups to be the most accepting and non-judgmental people you're ever going to find - it's all about the subject matter rather than any social politics.