
Hello, National Autistic Society Forum! I'm Sammy, I'm a male, and as of right now, I am twenty-one and I'm a Psychology major at university! In this introduction post, I want to inquire about whether people have experienced a similar 'imposter' feeling after diagnosis, or even a 'late diagnosis' due to feminine qualities. That's the straightforward summary of the two paragraphs below. I'd be interested in learning more about the autistic community, too. Don't feel afraid about messaging me, or even telling me about your experiences, even if you're not able to relate to the inquiries or questions at hand. <3

At first, I questioned whether to write an introduction thread or not but here goes nothing. I was diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis at twenty, which could be considered late to some, and not so late to others. As of late, I have been having identity issues with being associated to ASD, and I have felt as if I am an imposter in the ASD-community since my diagnosis. Although I have the traits of someone with autism, and I'm able to acknowledge that it is a spectrum, the stereotypes of the condition often overpower the condition itself. I am writing this introduction to meet more autistic people rather than to be introduced to the concept of the autistic community through a neurotypical lens, as the generalisation of autistic traits and autistic individuals is often 'loved' by Psychology majors, and teachers. 

Has anyone else felt as if they're an 'imposter' in relation to their diagnosis? There's a few reasons for me feeling this way, such as; partially due to being apart of the LGBT community, preferring feminine interests, or even interests that are popularised in mainstream media, e.g. Whilst younger, throughout Secondary and Primary school, I felt overlooked in terms of my 'differences' due to my feminine qualities, despite the few instances in which teachers/therapists informed me of my behaviours' resemblance to autistic traits. Instead of being perceived as being neurodivergent, I was labelled 'quirky', 'eccentric', e.g. Furthermore, I am able to mask in social situations, and I feel as if I can identity with female autism more so than male autism-I'm curious to know whether if anyone can relate to the scenarios that I have explained, or even feeling as if they're an imposter. Below, I included a Sphynx Cat in a bath for your viewing pleasure, as that's all the discussion and inquiries I have for the moment. Thanks for reading! 

  • welcome to this forum Sammy,

    There are other members of the LGBT community with austism here. I'll let them come forward themselves.

    but in mean time feel free to join in on any of the discussions and indeed start your own. 

    dont publish anything that can identify u  --- some people dont realise thats a rule in this forum. Some newbies have put up their emails, house address, mobile numbers !

    see u in the discussions

  • Hello, Aldie! 

    I didn't specify anything that could identify me too adversely, but thank you for the heads up. Mobile numbers, even? Thank you for the welcome, though! Participating in discussion boards will be definitely something that I'll try out at some point! :-)

  • Hello, Aldie! 

    I didn't specify anything that could identify me too adversely, but thank you for the heads up. Mobile numbers, even? Thank you for the welcome, though! Participating in discussion boards will be definitely something that I'll try out at some point! :-)

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