Maintaining friendships 12 year old son

This is my first post 

I’m looking for advise for my son age 12 

Im heartbroken for him where friendships are concerned. 

12 months ago we moved areas to try and help him with a fresh start but now the friends he has made have ditched him and are saying that he’s spiteful and horrible to them.  I just don’t understand what he’s doing so wrong when he’s with them.
He stands by that he’s not doing anything wrong because he obviously can’t see his mistakes. I don’t know how to help him. 

 Any advise appreciated thank you Pray tone2 

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  • talk to the school see if u can get this speeded up a bit. Something has happened 

  • Your right I totally agree 

    because of lockdown he’s only been in his new school a very short amount of time but his behaviour has been poor so they have all ready said something is defiantly happening with him 

    He hasn’t been diagnosed (his dad has adhd and ASD diagnosed) 

    things are that bad at the moment I don’t think he will go back to school I’m looking into getting him seen privately 

  • i think your son nneds to be looked at in case he is not controlling his emotions when with his friends. I dont think he would tell u anything or everything that is happening.  Maybe talk to the school teachers to see if they know more.

    has he been seen already.........  i mean has he been diagnosed  as autistic ?

  • Aw what a fab story of your friend!! 
    Sorry about your ordeal my son was also bullied in primary school it has had honesty changed I’m so so much no confidence anymore it went from one of the most popular boys in school to everyone dropping him. We moved areas for a fresh start but but no avail- same thing has happened again all the people he thought were friends have dumped him he’s now totally broken. 

    He used to love school and does have a few subjects he enjoys but as he has very low comprehension he struggles massively 

  • you cant lose with cars seriously i once worked with a guy called "fordie" he knoew all the parts of all uk ford cars you could just describe a part to hime and he could tell u the part number. He could also sell u the part and would deliver to your house. He worked in car parts and was truly awesome at his work. All the mechanics knew him and would literally hung him. 

    In primary school i kept to myself,,  in grammar school i sat beside the same people every day --- i was very academic i loved science so i just wanted to learn to get away from where I lived.  

    I was attacked once in primary school i was amazed at the people who came to my aid ---- immediately......... I took several big kicks all over my body but got up and walked away to the shock of the bully ---- it was then i realised I am different i had super powers  (BTW I can take way more pain than normal people so can my nephew )

    your son will surprise you one day. he has skills u dont know about yet.

    I was the only person to pass the 11 plus in my year. I had just read an entire set of science encyclopedias Slight smile

  • Thank you 

    he LOVES cars everything about them so im Thinking I need to get him involved with something like that 

    he did try pokemon, go karting he was amazing at it but lost interest quickly. He doesn’t lose interest in cars. 

    how did you cope in school he’s saying there is no way he is going back 

  • thats ok i once was your son so  i had his issues  but didnt know.  My neohew is autistic as well and he joyed a club which he is obsessed  with the subject ( radio controlled aircraft ). The members of teh club all talk RC stuff to each other and my nephew joins in.

    So get him into a club where he is very  very enthusiastic  whatever it is.  "dungeons and dragons" is a common one. 

    autistics  do make friends just in a very different way.   

    Oh online gaming is another way