Trauma therapy in a 65 year old

Diagnosed with mild high-performance Aspergers aged 60 in 2015, I need to sort out adolescent complex trauma caused before Aspergers was known of. IQ 153-4, top career, dominant.

I have the tools to handle it, having consoled a simple instance, but can't find a CBT counsellor with both trauma and high-perf Aspie experience to monitor what will effectively be an adult form of CATT. Therefore, I need to extend the knowledge of a trauma-aware CBT specialist, per my NAS supervisor-counsellor.

Which takes me into needing a write-up on high-performance intellect. It's all very well saying we think differently, but let's get specific.

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  • what is 'mild high-performance aspergers' never heard of that one before

    Some use the terms 'mild', 'moderate' and 'severe' to refer to different intensities of Autistic behaviour or character traits, and the 'high-performance aspergers' would relate to people who are socially high or higher functioning ~ i.e., can socially camouflage and personally mask enough to appear relatively normal when in public, whereas in private being more or entirely themselves characteristically. Although the 'high-performance' thing with Asperger's Syndrome appears in this threads context to be a 'conflation' (merging of two information sets) with high Intelligence Quota (IQ) ideology.