Trauma therapy in a 65 year old

Diagnosed with mild high-performance Aspergers aged 60 in 2015, I need to sort out adolescent complex trauma caused before Aspergers was known of. IQ 153-4, top career, dominant.

I have the tools to handle it, having consoled a simple instance, but can't find a CBT counsellor with both trauma and high-perf Aspie experience to monitor what will effectively be an adult form of CATT. Therefore, I need to extend the knowledge of a trauma-aware CBT specialist, per my NAS supervisor-counsellor.

Which takes me into needing a write-up on high-performance intellect. It's all very well saying we think differently, but let's get specific.


  • Which takes me into needing a write-up on high-performance intellect. It's all very well saying we think differently, but let's get specific.

    Here follows is a paper that has a very reasonable representational diagram that depicts the masking process that results when the personality embodiments are shielded with personae, as being socially shared and enforced behaviour sets, which are behaviourally mimicked from those dominating / manipulating us ~ and modelled (adapted) when we learn experimentally to dominate / manipulate others:

    Apologies for not dealing directly with your inquiries at this time, as I only just happened across your thread, and as a night-shifter I need to get some sleep or rest and figured that the above information may serve as a starting point. Also, there is a book called The Complete Guide To Asperger Syndrome. by Tony Attwood, if you would prefer to read that and abridge a synopsis more to your particularities involving the generally accepted nomenclature and so forth ~ here follows a PDF link:

    If any of that may be of assistance?

  • I've just scanned Attwood. He starts from DSM-V and dismisses High Functioning Autism because he can't diagnose it. That's not surprising because he's not been bothered to look. I'm actually offended.

    He talks of two major domains of behaviour, repetitive/restrictive traits and social communication difficulties. I spent my career in environments demanding high neuroflexibility, and successfully so, weathering two complete reviews in the European Crisis Management centre. I've just picked up on Trauma Psychology, positing a new class of perception, transception, the awareness of the intangible, as it pops up everywhere from empathy to meridian technology to meditation to the numinous, and it's getting talked about. The treatments break down into gateway approaches to light, guided meditation as a path to access the amygdala memory. Pick your doorway. My mentor, an NAS supervisor, is talking about me training in CATT to create AATT as a result. This is not fixational behaviour.

    What is often taken as that is my capacity to handle gigantic subjects. They may need a lot of work, my current one is still going strong after 16 years. It's because it encapsulates 5 eras of human history, and is at the centre of modern culture. Is that a fixation? Or is it because you've got the intellectual capacity of a teapot? I can at least cite an instruction from the Belgian Supreme Court to dig and not stop digging, and a more recent confirmation from one of the world's top art experts that what I'd come up with at the heart of the birth of the Renaissance is important. It's why I'm, academically, on the edge of the Warburg Institute.

    The same can be said of the social communications issue. I'd no more expect the said teapot to try to follow me when all it's done is abuse itself on social media with the occasional "like". General social group theory recognises people are comfortable with others like them. Within 10-15 IQ points either side. That means nobody outside of the genius level. When I was at the 163 top, there was nobody above me, and only the 150s plus below! Communications are a two-way process, and I wasn't, until recently, the one cutting them off, so kindly stop making it my problem. If you want some maths, let's look at me (IQ 153-4), Norman Normal on the median (104) and Simple Simon on the bottom edge of what's taken as functional (70). 154/104 = 104/70. In other words, how Norman sees Simon is how I see him. The trouble is, there's not many simpler than Simon, but half of humanity's simpler than Norman! Turning it on it's head, Attwood makes a disclaimer for those outside the normal range. I must have been, on the top end.

    In analogy, it's a bit like expecting a morse code receiver to handle frequency-hopping cellphone signals. It'll go yer-wot? We don't even have a way to communicate in native form, the way we actually think, although I wouldn't be prepared to bet we couldn't do it empathically. I've looked into my mentor's mind and told him something he'd never let on about, and I'm pretty sure the other high functioning aspie in the family can read mine too.

    So I'll camp on my position, thanks. Unless someone tells them, we're not going to be heard. Natural group dynamics are being pathologised against us. We were born this way. It's got a genetic factor to it, so it's going to become more significant. It's time to speak.

  • I've just scanned Attwood. He starts from DSM-V and dismisses High Functioning Autism because he can't diagnose it. That's not surprising because he's not been bothered to look. I'm actually offended.

    There is no diagnostic criteria for higher functionalism in terms of social interaction, imagination and communication in the DSM-V and ICD-11, and of course lower social functionalism is what gets diagnosed.

    There is a great uncertainty about what would constitute and what would be acceptable as diagnostic criteria for higher social functionalism, given that the issue of social camouflaging and personal masking has not been adequately researched as yet for a proportional consensus to be reached.

    He talks of two major domains of behaviour, repetitive/restrictive traits and social communication difficulties. I spent my career in environments demanding high neuroflexibility, and successfully so, weathering two complete reviews in the European Crisis Management centre. I've just picked up on Trauma Psychology, positing a new class of perception, transception, the awareness of the intangible, as it pops up everywhere from empathy to meridian technology to meditation to the numinous, and it's getting talked about. The treatments break down into gateway approaches to light, guided meditation as a path to access the amygdala memory. Pick your doorway. My mentor, an NAS supervisor, is talking about me training in CATT to create AATT as a result. This is not fixational behaviour.

    When you were asked how much you understood about your own Aspergenic traits ~ you continued on instead with the narrative of your question stating that 's was utterly missing your point. There was no social reciprocation on your part there, demonstrating at that stage of things a repetitive / restrictive pattern of personal interest ~ as being then a social interaction, imagination and communication problem.

    In terms of demonstrating neurological flexibility in crisis management, which involves being in charge, many on the spectrum prefer being in charge, as everybody has to work for the same objective outcome, directly or indirectly.

    During the first four of my further education years for instance, I also trained in management in the service industry, and then worked as a warehouse manager and then as a band manager.

    Also as having Schizotypal Personality Disorder ~ I am able to 'see' things from multitudinous perspectives, and as being integral to my narrow / singular range of interests, which is metaphysics and psychology, I have been good at negotiating contracts and peace treaties. I was as such given the nick-name United Nations, on a number of occasions, so on an English counties scale I can relate very easily with what you describe on a European nations scale,   

    Basically though, those on the spectrum who find an employment field that suits the character of their specialist interest or abilities, can do very well indeed, especially when it comes to problem solving and 'out-of-box' (divergent) thinking, and not getting easily or even at all distracted has a major appeal for employers ~ providing they can facilitate it.   

    What is often taken as that is my capacity to handle gigantic subjects. They may need a lot of work, my current one is still going strong after 16 years. It's because it encapsulates 5 eras of human history, and is at the centre of modern culture. Is that a fixation? Or is it because you've got the intellectual capacity of a teapot? I can at least cite an instruction from the Belgian Supreme Court to dig and not stop digging, and a more recent confirmation from one of the world's top art experts that what I'd come up with at the heart of the birth of the Renaissance is important. It's why I'm, academically, on the edge of the Warburg Institute.

    I would suggest dropping the use of the personal pronoun 'you' when discussing other people, because in the concrete objective sense it would be more pertinent to state 'they' ~ as you are referring to other people's opinions of our autistic / aspergenic neurologies rather than mine, or many other community members, and also it would save people with sensitivities in this respect from feeling belittled.

    A colleague of mine also on the spectrum used to take the same approach as yourself conversationally, and could not at first comprehend why people were getting really upset with or confused by them, especially when they were talking about more than one person ~ which got increasingly challenging for others when my colleague was particular angry.

    Also, rather than using the term fixated or as some say obsessed, consider more perhaps thinking in terms of 'Perseverance' (the quality of those who persevere ~ as continue to do or try to achieve something despite difficulty or discouragement).

    There is though at least a temporary fixation upon taking too personally diagnostic criteria that in each case does not apply to all people on the spectrum, so it may be helpful to consider and keep in mind the expression, "If you've met one person with autism ~ you've met one person with autism!" 

    The same can be said of the social communications issue. I'd no more expect the said teapot to try to follow me when all it's done is abuse itself on social media with the occasional "like". General social group theory recognises people are comfortable with others like them. Within 10-15 IQ points either side. That means nobody outside of the genius level. When I was at the 163 top, there was nobody above me, and only the 150s plus below! Communications are a two-way process, and I wasn't, until recently, the one cutting them off, so kindly stop making it my problem. If you want some maths, let's look at me (IQ 153-4), Norman Normal on the median (104) and Simple Simon on the bottom edge of what's taken as functional (70). 154/104 = 104/70. In other words, how Norman sees Simon is how I see him. The trouble is, there's not many simpler than Simon, but half of humanity's simpler than Norman! Turning it on it's head, Attwood makes a disclaimer for those outside the normal range. I must have been, on the top end.

    In terms of Normalised Abuse or Stockholm Syndrome involving the teapot analogy, the elitist tendency to belittle others in order to raise their own sense of self esteem or social status ~ is of course standard procedure, as much of society is abusively co-dependent.

    The main difficulty of course is that appropriate explorations of individuality (during the formative years) involving both the destructive Id and the creative Self ~ are instead treated as either way being inappropriate, and inappropriate injunctions (in terms of impeding or obstructing children's individuality) are used to make personal needs into societal desires (i.e., to fit in, meet expectations and so on and forth),

    This leads to people not having their original need met, and the high-jacking and reprogramming of that stimulus to do otherwise takes over as a behavioural methodology. Hence we have comfort eating,addictions and all that in society, which are commercially very viable for many service providers, legal or not, but as such people are left living out inferiority, mediocrity and superiority complexes, as being survival of the fittest delusions.

    One thing I found amusing along with quite a few members of a high IQ club, which I had been invited to join and attended, was being challenged to an IQ test showdown by their top man.

    He had gotten a bit miffed at me for being well informed and more popular than he, as I was in my idea of intellectual paradise as I was getting to ear-hoover decades of accumulated wisdom involving aeons of which, whereas he wanted to be centre of attention and only really did monologues.

    Anyway, when the results came in, I got 60.

    I have dyslexia, dyscalculia and nominal aphasia ~ so did nowhere near as well as expected in exams; despite great expectations of going far involving University offers and all that if I got the appropriate qualifications. Although I never studied at a University, I have lectured at a couple. 

    In analogy, it's a bit like expecting a morse code receiver to handle frequency-hopping cellphone signals. It'll go yer-wot? We don't even have a way to communicate in native form, the way we actually think, although I wouldn't be prepared to bet we couldn't do it empathically. I've looked into my mentor's mind and told him something he'd never let on about, and I'm pretty sure the other high functioning aspie in the family can read mine too.

    Definitely with the empathy and Sherlock pattern recognition thing, with my analogy for the differences between autistic and non-autistic people regarding communication difficulties; is that their body-mind relationship is like driving an automatically geared car ~ so just point and go, whereas ours is like driving a manually geared car, So things like gear grinds and stalling problems, are just irrelevant to them ~ whilst on account of their behaviour these analogous difficulties leave many Autistic and Aspergenic people broken down on the proverbial side of the road, with adequate break down services being very few and far between.

    I mean the most recent psychological assessment I had, I actually had to explain the nature of my difficulties to them ~ rather than just getting understood, and eventually the multidisciplinary team decided like all the others previously that they could not meet my needs.

    So I'll camp on my position, thanks. Unless someone tells them, we're not going to be heard. Natural group dynamics are being pathologised against us. We were born this way. It's got a genetic factor to it, so it's going to become more significant. It's time to speak.

    It not as simple as telling them and being heard, as it involves discussions with them and learning how to develop not only better understandings, but also better comprehensions. For along with everyone else we are all altogether the dynamic forces of the societal treadmill, which although is more pathological for us in some ways ~ it is still pathological for them in others.

    But as far as the ongoing discussion goes with this one being one amongst the many, the more people that join and engage in the process the better things can be, definitely! 

    If of course you feel inclined, it would be good to read your thoughts on what I have written, or any ideas stemming from which, and just as a footnote:

    "I always reserve the right or is it left to at least be wrong!" Smiley

  • And a Happy New Year to you and all!     

    Unfortunately, I recently got to actually use one of the alchemy products (FDG/PET) to tell me this will be my last Christmas.  

    Well always keep in mind the first law of thermodynamics and that by analogy just as electrons transfer in respect of matter ~ so it is with dark energy and dark matter, and if your ascension proves challenging ~ it is the golden sparkle within the centre of your treasure chest that all emerges from and converges to, so keep the faith strong with your heart and shine brightly ever-lasting and ever-present angel! Innocent

    And maybe as Aspie you will entangle as human again! Grin

  • And a Happy New Year to you and all!     

    Unfortunately, I recently got to actually use one of the alchemy products (FDG/PET) to tell me this will be my last Christmas.  Disappointed

  • As this sort of thing is so not my field of understanding (as I stated before regarding Dyslexia ~ as bing mixing letters up, and regarding Dyscalculia ~ as bing muddling numbers up), I asked a friend who one of their fields of specialisation involves atomic and diamagnetic fields, and they said it depends on the long, short and mid term effects being considered, and that you may just as well in the given instance have asked me to consider what crossing a road does ~ with the issue of time and space have not been factored in [such as involving road traffic, people, animals and states of affairs involving weather conditions, planetary alignments and all that].

    I then thought I would look up what removing protons from mercury does, and shocked and stunned stagger factor ten ‘rare as hens teeth’ got the following on the very first try:

    Removing A Proton From Mercury (Hg) To Produce Gold (Au):


    I used to get paid for doing this - playing with isotopes and transmuting them -  literally *Mass* production.

    We could shuffle elements up or down the periodic table - but it is horrifically inefficient unless you only need a small amount for something special that you can charge a lot for - like medical imaging agents.

    My friend keeps explaining different aspects of this stuff involving geometric field structures and different progressions of pi ~ in relationship with holographic string theory stuff, and it is really burly as the stuff he was talking about years ago gets published as the latest discovery years later! I just cannot remember the details of it but he says at least I get the basics. Many of the physicists that consult with him ~ he says just take the advise in the wrong direction. The major glitch at moment involves the search for dark matter as being separate from light matter, along with the glitch that parrellel universes are imagined to exist outside one another ~ rather than within and through.

    And in terms of the small amount of something costing alot ~ apparently something mega fundamental in the whole of humanity going into a new age was discovered recently, only due to lock-down I have not been able to chase that topic up and I cannot even remember what it was now. Hey.

    Anyway, fair play dude on your engineering, molecular and physics stuff in general ~ awe inspiring!

    And of course ~ happy new year by the way in Sparkling heart, and may it lead to many many happy returns! Grinning

  • This is, admittedly, more Mycroft than Sherlock, who stops at going outside the box. Mycroft builds different boxes. I insist on corroboration, though. Right now, one of my mind games starts with Philip of Spain's reorientation of the Escorial as the Third, alchemical Temple of Solomon in 1568, following the execution for heresy of the Counts of Hornes and Egmont. Forget Goethe and Beethoven, there was no fictitious Klara, 40 000 moutons d'or was delivered to Egmont's widow by the Prince Bishop of Liege in 1600, who'd held it in trust until it was safe to deliver. Alchemical gold from the hand of the same guy who got Jan van Helmont started on empirical chemistry fifty years later. I've already seen the elixir cracked, my signature, unwittingly, is on the authority for the breakthrough trial. So, was it possible? I've gone some way to answering yes. They removed a proton from the element atomic weight 80. I'll leave you to consider what that does.

    As this sort of thing is so not my field of understanding (as I stated before regarding Dyslexia ~ as bing mixing letters up, and regarding Dyscalculia ~ as bing muddling numbers up), I asked a friend who one of their fields of specialisation involves atomic and diamagnetic fields, and they said it depends on the long, short and mid term effects being considered, and that you may just as well in the given instance have asked me to consider what crossing a road does ~ with the issue of time and space have not been factored in [such as involving road traffic, people, animals and states of affairs involving weather conditions, planetary alignments and all that].

    I then thought I would look up what removing protons from mercury does, and shocked and stunned stagger factor ten ‘rare as hens teeth’ got the following on the very first try:

    Removing A Proton From Mercury (Hg) To Produce Gold (Au):


    I used to get paid for doing this - playing with isotopes and transmuting them -  literally *Mass* production.    Smiley

    We could shuffle elements up or down the periodic table - but it is horrifically inefficient unless you only need a small amount for something special that you can charge a lot for - like medical imaging agents.

  • Societally, humans cooperate.

    Societally, humans comply, in that ‘excessive competition’ (domination) involving tribal elitism and segregation leads to ‘regressive cooperation’ (submission), and hence ‘compliance’:

    A ‘society’ is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent of members. In the social sciences, a larger society often exhibits stratification or dominance patterns in subgroups.

    In communities, humans cooperate (or at least can learn to):

    A ‘community’ is a social unit (a group of living things) with commonality such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity. Communities may share a sense of place situated in a given geographical area (e.g. a country, village, town, or neighbourhood) or in virtual space through communication platforms. Durable relations that extend beyond immediate genealogical ties also define a sense of community, important to their identity, practice, and roles in social institutions such as family, home, work, government, society, or humanity at large. Although communities are usually small relative to personal social ties, "community" may also refer to large group affiliations such as national communities, international communities, and virtual communities.

    If the shrinks can't stand the heat, they'd better get out of the kitchen, so we can.

    Cooperation is much healthier and more inclusively productive.

    What I don't want to be is over-assertive, but to build some concensus from people prepared to recognise their own authority.

    It would be better for all concerned that people are prepared to recognise the limits of their own authority, and thereby respect others authority too, in order to work together without exclusion, as equals.

    Come back with reasoned response, nuancing and extending. I've only been where I've been. Maybe, to extend your Sherlock reasoning, we need to establish research protocols.

    Just as others have done and are doing so ~ yes, definitely.

    Come back with reasoned response, nuancing and extending. I've only been where I've been. Maybe, to extend your Sherlock reasoning, we need to establish research protocols.

    Just as others have done regarding social camouflaging and personal masking, and are doing so here and elsewhere ~ yes, definitely.

    In the trauma methods issue, we had a single known mechanism, but nearly a dozen empirically developed approaches to it. How come?

    You have not defined what the single known mechanism is, nor what the trauma methods issue is.

    Listing them, we have the MAPS system under development and other psychotropic methods, shamanism, mindfulness, my own meditative approach of consoling, EMDT parahypnotism, CATT play-overload, TraumaGeek's extended grounding going into subspace, trauma-aware CBT. It was actually TG's shibari approach which extended latex sensory input into subspace, joining mindfullness and hypnosis as a set of portals, doors, into a meditative state which is above all else mind-calming. Our know-better defences protecting our reflexes aren't engaged, and Michael Mithoeffer's detailed explanation of his mentoring towards resolution under MDMA showed the same consolation of the trauma I found worked. But the realisation all the different meditative forms coincided, reducing the methods to portals slowing the brain's interference, and allowing the animal brain of the limbic system to work normally, that came from a drop into meditation itself, my version of beta-phase sleep. Portals, some ritually engaging the numinous, others not.

    In 1994, I got into transcendental meditation using deep and gentle pelvic breathing, tonal chanting and singing bowls. I had also started a constant meditation to feel love in the centre of my chest, as I loathed my body having seizures up to several times a day during summers, and up several times a week during winters. This began after having had a near death experience aged three, back in 1974, and because of the two meditations, unless seriously stressed, I only have micro scale seizures now, and can hold them off some too. The toning increased the feeling of love in the centre of my chest ~ allowing me to transcend the proverbial sewage of my life experience, so I am no longer drowning in it but instead surfing it.

    This is, admittedly, more Mycroft than Sherlock, who stops at going outside the box. Mycroft builds different boxes. I insist on corroboration, though. Right now, one of my mind games starts with Philip of Spain's reorientation of the Escorial as the Third, alchemical Temple of Solomon in 1568, following the execution for heresy of the Counts of Hornes and Egmont. Forget Goethe and Beethoven, there was no fictitious Klara, 40 000 moutons d'or was delivered to Egmont's widow by the Prince Bishop of Liege in 1600, who'd held it in trust until it was safe to deliver. Alchemical gold from the hand of the same guy who got Jan van Helmont started on empirical chemistry fifty years later. I've already seen the elixir cracked, my signature, unwittingly, is on the authority for the breakthrough trial. So, was it possible? I've gone some way to answering yes. They removed a proton from the element atomic weight 80. I'll leave you to consider what that does.

    As this sort of thing is so not my field of understanding (as I stated before regarding Dyslexia ~ as bing mixing letters up, and regarding Dyscalculia ~ as bing muddling numbers up), I asked a friend who one of their fields of specialisation involves atomic and diamagnetic fields, and they said it depends on the long, short and mid term effects being considered, and that you may just as well in the given instance have asked me to consider what crossing a road does ~ with the issue of time and space have not been factored in [such as involving road traffic, people, animals and states of affairs such as weather conditions, planetary alignments and all that].

    I then thought I would look up what removing protons from mercury does, and shocked and stunned stagger factor ten ‘rare as hens teeth’ got the following on the very first try:

    Removing A Proton From Mercury (Hg) To Produce Gold (Au):

    Astronuc stated:

    (n,p) reaction. However, Au has only one stable isotope, Au-197, and Hg-197 is unstable and decays by electron capture to Au-197. To produce Hg-197, one would have to take Hg-196 (isotopic abundance = 0.0015), expose it to neutrons and hope for an (n,γ) reaction, and wait for the electron capture, so no need for the (n,p) reaction. Alternatively, one would take Hg-198 (isotopic abundance = 0.0997), expose it to neutrons for an (n, 2n) reaction to make Hg-197 in hopes it would decay to Au-197. There is the energy in producing neutrons (e.g., at least 10 MeV/n for an n,2n reaction in Hg-198 vs isolation of Hg-196 from the natural distribution followed by exposure to a thermal neutron flux), then there is the matter of a fraction (often small) of the neutrons causing the desired reaction. Transmutation of Hg to Au is generally very uneconomical via so-called artificial or unnatural processes.


    Phinds stated:

    Last estimate I heard about making gold [by] molecular manipulation was as I recall, that it would take about $1000 to make $1 worth of gold.

    Actually, I think they annihilated it. Plasma chemistry in 1567-8? Yes. They had electricity, the existance of chest capacitors long before Faraday long puzzled me. Look up what the Spanish call them.

    I did search but to no productive avail before 1745 ~ as involved a Ewald Georg von Kleist who lived in Pomerania, Germany, from 1700-1748. Capacitors were though before the twenties of the twentieth century called ‘condensers’. So using translation site to translate “chest condenser” I got: “condensadores de pecho” ~ but there were no results with that one at all search engine wise,

    It corroborates a hint I gave earlier.

    Uh-oh ~ ‘seriously’ don’t be wasting your time or anybody else’s using hints with me, blimey! As stated previously and here again about being Schizotypal and Neurologically Divergent ~ I can come up with multitude possibilities guessing things to no efficient effect, and the traumatically induced fragmentation of your reasoning and the defensive and protective vagary of your introductions and summations is almost as if a panoply of hints. My first thought to your statement whilst being rather amused was, ‘Which one!’

    It is seriously much more effective though to just tell the fact of the matter here and provide a link to the corroborating data yourself. It saves so much time and wastes so little effort, and added bonus factor ten it makes things then and there so much more informative and comprehensible for others ~ which is good thing is it not?

    Happy new year by the way in Sparkling heart , and may it lead to many happy returns! Grinning


  • Societally, humans cooperate.

    Societally, humans comply, in that ‘excessive competition’ (domination) involving tribal elitism and segregation leads to ‘regressive cooperation’ (submission), and hence ‘compliance’:

    A ‘society’ is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent of members. In the social sciences, a larger society often exhibits stratification or dominance patterns in subgroups.

    In communities, humans cooperate (or at least can learn to):

    A ‘community’ is a social unit (a group of living things) with commonality such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identity. Communities may share a sense of place situated in a given geographical area (e.g. a country, village, town, or neighbourhood) or in virtual space through communication platforms. Durable relations that extend beyond immediate genealogical ties also define a sense of community, important to their identity, practice, and roles in social institutions such as family, home, work, government, society, or humanity at large. Although communities are usually small relative to personal social ties, "community" may also refer to large group affiliations such as national communities, international communities, and virtual communities.

    If the shrinks can't stand the heat, they'd better get out of the kitchen, so we can.

    Cooperation is much healthier and more inclusively productive.

    What I don't want to be is over-assertive, but to build some concensus from people prepared to recognise their own authority.

    It would be better for all concerned that people are prepared to recognise the limits of their own authority, and thereby respect others authority too, in order to work together without exclusion, as equals.

    Come back with reasoned response, nuancing and extending. I've only been where I've been. Maybe, to extend your Sherlock reasoning, we need to establish research protocols.

    Just as others have done and are doing so ~ yes, definitely.

    Come back with reasoned response, nuancing and extending. I've only been where I've been. Maybe, to extend your Sherlock reasoning, we need to establish research protocols.

    Just as others have done regarding social camouflaging and personal masking, and are doing so here and elsewhere ~ yes, definitely.

    In the trauma methods issue, we had a single known mechanism, but nearly a dozen empirically developed approaches to it. How come?

    You have not defined what the single known mechanism is, nor what the trauma methods issue is.

    Listing them, we have the MAPS system under development and other psychotropic methods, shamanism, mindfulness, my own meditative approach of consoling, EMDT parahypnotism, CATT play-overload, TraumaGeek's extended grounding going into subspace, trauma-aware CBT. It was actually TG's shibari approach which extended latex sensory input into subspace, joining mindfullness and hypnosis as a set of portals, doors, into a meditative state which is above all else mind-calming. Our know-better defences protecting our reflexes aren't engaged, and Michael Mithoeffer's detailed explanation of his mentoring towards resolution under MDMA showed the same consolation of the trauma I found worked. But the realisation all the different meditative forms coincided, reducing the methods to portals slowing the brain's interference, and allowing the animal brain of the limbic system to work normally, that came from a drop into meditation itself, my version of beta-phase sleep. Portals, some ritually engaging the numinous, others not.

    In 1994, I got into transcendental meditation using deep and gentle pelvic breathing, tonal chanting and singing bowls. I had also started a constant meditation to feel love in the centre of my chest, as I loathed my body having seizures up to several times a day during summers, and up several times a week during winters. This began after having had a near death experience aged three, back in 1974, and because of the two meditations, unless seriously stressed, I only have micro scale seizures now, and can hold them off some too. The toning increased the feeling of love in the centre of my chest ~ allowing me to transcend the proverbial sewage of my life experience, so I am no longer drowning in it but instead surfing it.

    This is, admittedly, more Mycroft than Sherlock, who stops at going outside the box. Mycroft builds different boxes. I insist on corroboration, though. Right now, one of my mind games starts with Philip of Spain's reorientation of the Escorial as the Third, alchemical Temple of Solomon in 1568, following the execution for heresy of the Counts of Hornes and Egmont. Forget Goethe and Beethoven, there was no fictitious Klara, 40 000 moutons d'or was delivered to Egmont's widow by the Prince Bishop of Liege in 1600, who'd held it in trust until it was safe to deliver. Alchemical gold from the hand of the same guy who got Jan van Helmont started on empirical chemistry fifty years later. I've already seen the elixir cracked, my signature, unwittingly, is on the authority for the breakthrough trial. So, was it possible? I've gone some way to answering yes. They removed a proton from the element atomic weight 80. I'll leave you to consider what that does.

    As this sort of thing is so not my field of understanding (as I stated before regarding Dyslexia ~ as bing mixing letters up, and regarding Dyscalculia ~ as bing muddling numbers up), I asked a friend who one of their fields of specialisation involves atomic and diamagnetic fields, and they said it depends on the long, short and mid term effects being considered, and that you may just as well in the given instance have asked me to consider what crossing a road does ~ with the issue of time and space have not been factored in [such as involving road traffic, people, animals and states of affairs such as weather conditions, planetary alignments and all that].

    I then thought I would look up what removing protons from mercury does, and shocked and stunned stagger factor ten ‘rare as hens teeth’ got the following on the very first try:

    Removing A Proton From Mercury (Hg) To Produce Gold (Au):

    Astronuc stated:

    (n,p) reaction. However, Au has only one stable isotope, Au-197, and Hg-197 is unstable and decays by electron capture to Au-197. To produce Hg-197, one would have to take Hg-196 (isotopic abundance = 0.0015), expose it to neutrons and hope for an (n,γ) reaction, and wait for the electron capture, so no need for the (n,p) reaction. Alternatively, one would take Hg-198 (isotopic abundance = 0.0997), expose it to neutrons for an (n, 2n) reaction to make Hg-197 in hopes it would decay to Au-197. There is the energy in producing neutrons (e.g., at least 10 MeV/n for an n,2n reaction in Hg-198 vs isolation of Hg-196 from the natural distribution followed by exposure to a thermal neutron flux), then there is the matter of a fraction (often small) of the neutrons causing the desired reaction. Transmutation of Hg to Au is generally very uneconomical via so-called artificial or unnatural processes.


    Phinds stated:

    Last estimate I heard about making gold [by] molecular manipulation was as I recall, that it would take about $1000 to make $1 worth of gold.

    Actually, I think they annihilated it. Plasma chemistry in 1567-8? Yes. They had electricity, the existance of chest capacitors long before Faraday long puzzled me. Look up what the Spanish call them.

    I did search but to no productive avail before 1745 ~ as involved a Ewald Georg von Kleist who lived in Pomerania, Germany, from 1700-1748. Capacitors were though before the twenties of the twentieth century called ‘condensers’. So using translation site to translate “chest condenser” I got: “condensadores de pecho” ~ but there were no results with that one at all search engine wise,

    It corroborates a hint I gave earlier.

    Uh-oh ~ ‘seriously’ don’t be wasting your time or anybody else’s using hints with me, blimey! As stated previously and here again about being Schizotypal and Neurologically Divergent ~ I can come up with multitude possibilities guessing things to no efficient effect, and the traumatically induced fragmentation of your reasoning and the defensive and protective vagary of your introductions and summations is almost as if a panoply of hints. My first thought to your statement whilst being rather amused was, ‘Which one!’

    It is seriously much more effective though to just tell the fact of the matter here and provide a link to the corroborating data yourself. It saves so much time and wastes so little effort, and added bonus factor ten it makes things then and there so much more informative and comprehensible for others ~ which is good thing is it not?

    Happy new year by the way in Sparkling heart , and may it lead to many happy returns! Grinning


  • And a Happy New Year to you and all!     

    Unfortunately, I recently got to actually use one of the alchemy products (FDG/PET) to tell me this will be my last Christmas.  

    Well always keep in mind the first law of thermodynamics and that by analogy just as electrons transfer in respect of matter ~ so it is with dark energy and dark matter, and if your ascension proves challenging ~ it is the golden sparkle within the centre of your treasure chest that all emerges from and converges to, so keep the faith strong with your heart and shine brightly ever-lasting and ever-present angel! Innocent

    And maybe as Aspie you will entangle as human again! Grin

  • And a Happy New Year to you and all!     

    Unfortunately, I recently got to actually use one of the alchemy products (FDG/PET) to tell me this will be my last Christmas.  Disappointed

  • As this sort of thing is so not my field of understanding (as I stated before regarding Dyslexia ~ as bing mixing letters up, and regarding Dyscalculia ~ as bing muddling numbers up), I asked a friend who one of their fields of specialisation involves atomic and diamagnetic fields, and they said it depends on the long, short and mid term effects being considered, and that you may just as well in the given instance have asked me to consider what crossing a road does ~ with the issue of time and space have not been factored in [such as involving road traffic, people, animals and states of affairs involving weather conditions, planetary alignments and all that].

    I then thought I would look up what removing protons from mercury does, and shocked and stunned stagger factor ten ‘rare as hens teeth’ got the following on the very first try:

    Removing A Proton From Mercury (Hg) To Produce Gold (Au):


    I used to get paid for doing this - playing with isotopes and transmuting them -  literally *Mass* production.

    We could shuffle elements up or down the periodic table - but it is horrifically inefficient unless you only need a small amount for something special that you can charge a lot for - like medical imaging agents.

    My friend keeps explaining different aspects of this stuff involving geometric field structures and different progressions of pi ~ in relationship with holographic string theory stuff, and it is really burly as the stuff he was talking about years ago gets published as the latest discovery years later! I just cannot remember the details of it but he says at least I get the basics. Many of the physicists that consult with him ~ he says just take the advise in the wrong direction. The major glitch at moment involves the search for dark matter as being separate from light matter, along with the glitch that parrellel universes are imagined to exist outside one another ~ rather than within and through.

    And in terms of the small amount of something costing alot ~ apparently something mega fundamental in the whole of humanity going into a new age was discovered recently, only due to lock-down I have not been able to chase that topic up and I cannot even remember what it was now. Hey.

    Anyway, fair play dude on your engineering, molecular and physics stuff in general ~ awe inspiring!

    And of course ~ happy new year by the way in Sparkling heart, and may it lead to many many happy returns! Grinning

  • This is, admittedly, more Mycroft than Sherlock, who stops at going outside the box. Mycroft builds different boxes. I insist on corroboration, though. Right now, one of my mind games starts with Philip of Spain's reorientation of the Escorial as the Third, alchemical Temple of Solomon in 1568, following the execution for heresy of the Counts of Hornes and Egmont. Forget Goethe and Beethoven, there was no fictitious Klara, 40 000 moutons d'or was delivered to Egmont's widow by the Prince Bishop of Liege in 1600, who'd held it in trust until it was safe to deliver. Alchemical gold from the hand of the same guy who got Jan van Helmont started on empirical chemistry fifty years later. I've already seen the elixir cracked, my signature, unwittingly, is on the authority for the breakthrough trial. So, was it possible? I've gone some way to answering yes. They removed a proton from the element atomic weight 80. I'll leave you to consider what that does.

    As this sort of thing is so not my field of understanding (as I stated before regarding Dyslexia ~ as bing mixing letters up, and regarding Dyscalculia ~ as bing muddling numbers up), I asked a friend who one of their fields of specialisation involves atomic and diamagnetic fields, and they said it depends on the long, short and mid term effects being considered, and that you may just as well in the given instance have asked me to consider what crossing a road does ~ with the issue of time and space have not been factored in [such as involving road traffic, people, animals and states of affairs involving weather conditions, planetary alignments and all that].

    I then thought I would look up what removing protons from mercury does, and shocked and stunned stagger factor ten ‘rare as hens teeth’ got the following on the very first try:

    Removing A Proton From Mercury (Hg) To Produce Gold (Au):


    I used to get paid for doing this - playing with isotopes and transmuting them -  literally *Mass* production.    Smiley

    We could shuffle elements up or down the periodic table - but it is horrifically inefficient unless you only need a small amount for something special that you can charge a lot for - like medical imaging agents.