Waiting assessment

Hi all 

I would like to introduce myself and I will start by saying I have never done anything like this before.

I’m a 39 year old male and all my life I have struggled to concentrate on conversations, prioritising things, and can’t look people in the eyes and many people think I’m being rude or not listening which I struggle to do if conversation is long or something is going on in the back ground.

I haven’t been diagnosed with anything yet but waiting for assessment.

2 of my boys from different relationships both have autism and adhd.

I bite my knuckles and fiddle all the time and I’m the worst picky eater you will come across.

I get angry outbursts with a click of the fingers and find myself very emotional over stupid things.

all my life I have been classed as thick by people and as a keep I was known as the naught kids who messed around and would never take in account of peoples feelings.

ive struggled to hold down jobs and I’m terrible with money.

I have a loving partner but I cause problems as I struggle to read her body language and say stupid comments when out in public or at home.

my partner says I grunt a lot but I don’t hear it but I’m always trying to clear my throat.

I have live fishing but not been in a long time but when I did go I would find myself so fixed on it that it would be my life and nothing else I would hardly talk about.

im terrible for butting in on peoples conversations and when I have an argument it’s like life has been drained out of me and I just want to sleep.

I really hope people can related to this and I’m not the only person like this.

  • hi,

    please change the NAS70587 to a simple name that way people can remember u easier. Add soe more details to your profile so more people can connect with you.

    welcome to this forum

    everything your have mentioned is pretty familiar here and definitely not the only person with those traits.

    fishing is quite a good pastime because it is so calming. I am assuming fishwater river fishing. Sea fishing seems to be a bit more exciting. I have years of freshwater lake and river fishing. 

    I don't doubt for a second that you aren't on the autism spectrum like me and many others here your 2 sons diagnoses  nails it for me ( plus your own traits of course ).

    see you later in the threads

  • hi,

    please change the NAS70587 to a simple name that way people can remember u easier. Add soe more details to your profile so more people can connect with you.

    welcome to this forum

    everything your have mentioned is pretty familiar here and definitely not the only person with those traits.

    fishing is quite a good pastime because it is so calming. I am assuming fishwater river fishing. Sea fishing seems to be a bit more exciting. I have years of freshwater lake and river fishing. 

    I don't doubt for a second that you aren't on the autism spectrum like me and many others here your 2 sons diagnoses  nails it for me ( plus your own traits of course ).

    see you later in the threads

  • Thank you for writing back.

    your right about the fishing I fished lakes for carp when I went fishing.

    Believe it or not but I’m a dad of 10. I have 6 boys and 4 girls, biological I have 4 kids but see them all as mine. I have a boy from a previous relationship who has been diagnosed with autism and a boy who shows more signs than my other lad but he’s waiting assessment like me.

    I work full time and have always had a job but find myself changing employers a lot.

    the hardest thing I find is understanding my partners thoughts and her not understanding me