Allow autistic adults receiving the living standard of PIP to be on Motability car lease scheme

I've started living on my own and nearly every day I have to go shopping to feed myself and look after my house. So will somebody of senior level whether it is Motability or NAS change the rules of Motability eligibility so that people like me who can wash, change, cook and plan journeys (not in receipt of the mobility rate of PIP) be eligible to be part of the scheme as having a car beside you makes life a whole lot easier and safer for everyone.

  • Sorry to be a downer but i think for people with a neurodevelopmental disorder the mobility component of PIP is given to those with significant struggles in gaining a driving licence and are not safe to independently operate a vehicle by themselves or have an intellectually challenged to use public transportation by themselves.

    mobility car schemes are only given to people with physical disabilities and i think that is fare to be honest. Their is other support out their maybe you can ask for a needs assessment and get help with meal prep to help you cook and plan your meals for the week.      

  • *** off, I'm not getting reassessed if I'm at risk losing my PIP,  I nearly lost my claim in my last assessment and my corner was being fought so I'm not going down that route again.

    Autism is a learning disability, and if things don't work out nicely they get agitated that's why having a car is a saviour to conveniences especially when living on their own and to do shopping on their own demand.

    If you don't have anything nice to say, stay out of this topic, *** off and don't come back

  • Sorry if my comment upset you, didn’t mean it to come off the way you have interpreted it. Autism isn’t a learning difficulty it is a numerological developmental disorder that may co aside with one or many learning disabilities but this is not always the case. 

    it’s really shameful the way you think because you have autism you expect things to be handed to you when their are other solutions to your problem. I didn’t get PIP and I have multiple issues that prevent me from learning to drive or get behinds a wheel such as Dyspraxia, ADHD and Autism myself. It affect my ability to drive to the point the DVLA have suspended my provisional licence on the advice from my last driving instructor. 

    I have all the problems you have and More and I have had a have a need assessment that resulted in me needing extra support such as taking me shopping and meal prep because my capabilities are considerably compromised. Once my benefits/income get beyond the threshold which is something stupid like £600 month I have to start paying for this support myself. Guess what when I move out my housing benefit is going to push me over the threshold. 

    mobility scheme is not completely free you have to contribute if you above the financial threshold. 

  • Sorry if my comment upset you, didn’t mean it to come off the way you have interpreted it. Autism isn’t a learning difficulty it is a numerological developmental disorder that may co aside with one or many learning disabilities but this is not always the case. 

    it’s really shameful the way you think because you have autism you expect things to be handed to you when their are other solutions to your problem. I didn’t get PIP and I have multiple issues that prevent me from learning to drive or get behinds a wheel such as Dyspraxia, ADHD and Autism myself. It affect my ability to drive to the point the DVLA have suspended my provisional licence on the advice from my last driving instructor. 

    I have all the problems you have and More and I have had a have a need assessment that resulted in me needing extra support such as taking me shopping and meal prep because my capabilities are considerably compromised. Once my benefits/income get beyond the threshold which is something stupid like £600 month I have to start paying for this support myself. Guess what when I move out my housing benefit is going to push me over the threshold. 

    mobility scheme is not completely free you have to contribute if you above the financial threshold. 

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