Allow autistic adults receiving the living standard of PIP to be on Motability car lease scheme

I've started living on my own and nearly every day I have to go shopping to feed myself and look after my house. So will somebody of senior level whether it is Motability or NAS change the rules of Motability eligibility so that people like me who can wash, change, cook and plan journeys (not in receipt of the mobility rate of PIP) be eligible to be part of the scheme as having a car beside you makes life a whole lot easier and safer for everyone.

  • It'll probably take a little while to find your feet, assuming you're living independently for the first time.  I was the same, nipping into the shops on the way home from work every day to pick up something for dinner, virtually nothing in the cupboards at home.  Best to just buy the stuff you need for the week wherever possible, but it does take some practice to get that right.

    If you feel you really need a car you could look at leasing, more or less the same thing as motability.

  • Listen I don't have a job to afford to get into an agreement to lease a car. And don't you dare say I don't know how to cook a meal when I know I can, maybe not one where it takes over 30 mins to prepare but I bloody can if they are under 30 mins that's why I have a cookbook.

  • Not sure I appreciate your tone.  I never suggested you don't know how to cook or anything remotely close to that, so I don't know where you've got that idea from.  Not much else to say about that.

    And as for the car I guess save up, live an ascetic life, eventually afford to buy 2nd hand, something a few years old or a maybe a category D write off if you're handy with a spanner.  Pretty much what anyone in your situation would have to do.  Whining on here for the rules to be changed so you can get a free (not free) car achieves precisely nothing and just makes you sound entitled, especially so if you've not actually got mobility issues.

  • Well if motability want to improve on their business they NEED to ease up on their limitations by letting PIP recipients without mobility be allowed to join the scheme that way morale is boosted.

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