introducing myself


I'm Abbie I'm new here, I'm 21 and was diagnosed 5 years ago.  I've been feeling quite lonely recently. I don't find talking very easy, I get nervous and think I've said something wrong and then start to feel that people are laughing at me 

i like drawing and making things, my favorite things to make are pom poms 

  • Hi! How’re you? Have you ever made a Pom Pom rug? That would be cool Slight smile

  • hi, im good thanks, i am actually in the middle of making a pom pom rug at the moment although i did start it i think it was 2 years ago and i still haven't finished it, it is taking forever. 

    how are you?

  • Glad to hear you’re okay Slight smile oh that’s cool, I’ve recently given crocheting a go and someone suggested a Pom Pom rug. How big have you gone for and what colours? I’m okay thank you, these cold nights are already doing my head in haha 

  • Oh sounds like a full day of things! I’m so glad you enjoyed that group, things like that can be so overwhelming and daunting! My day has been slow, haven’t been feeling too good so just practiced my crocheting which I think is coming along okay. I plan to make a hat and a blanket so I’ve asked for wool for Christmas to do so! I also ordered a set of the crocheting hooks so I can hopefully do smaller and bigger stuff. 

  • i had a good day today, i had work this morning which was good and did some Christmas activities and then when i finished i went to this social group for the first time to meet new people i was so nervous i felt sick when i was walking there and my legs felt like jelly but i did it which I'm so glad cos i think i like it they seem nice there. so ithink im going to go back there. 

    how was your day? 

  • Yeah I think I watched that a little, can’t remember why I never finished it though. How was your day today? Did you get up to much? 

  • yeah I think in the show 'Safe' there was girl who went missing and there was house party it was that long ago I watched my memory is terrible. 

  • I don’t think I’ll be watching it haha oh I think I may have started watching that ages ago but never finished it. Did it start with a girl gone missing and it started at a house party? 

  • yeah that social dilemma one i found that actually quite scary really i just watched it because everyone was going on about it and i just wanted to see for myself. 

    Safe was a series on Netflix it was few years ago when i watched it but i quite enjoyed it, they were in a gated community, and some one had killed someone and they searching for the person who it was and there many suspects. I'm quite surprised i enjoyed t as i don't usually watch things like that but i found it really good to watch. 

  • Yeah it wasn’t nice to see, he was so innocent and it was awful to see. What was safe about? There’s a few good documentaries on prime and Netflix, I’ve watched a few music documentaries on prime and they’ve been good. I’ve heard about the social media documentary on Netflix but can’t bring myself to watch it cause I think I’d get paranoid haha 

  • yeah corrie need to make sure justice is done for people who have been affected by it otherwise people are not going to feel they'll be listened to. i hated it when Marlon went to prison as he is such a nice guy. 

    i watched two things on Netflix, one was called 'safe' and the the one was a documentary about social media. i do like watching documentaries. 

  • Same, I heard they want to let yazmine go because it won’t give people who are in domestic abuse situation the right idea on things. So I really hope there’s justice done. I only started watching emerdale a year or two ago when marlon went to prison. I feel so sad for vinny, he tries so hard to help everyone. Not weird to dislike Netflix Slight smile there are some good stuff on there it’s just finding it. I also have prime and Disney plus, which now sounds excessive haha 

  • oh yeah i have to watch corrie just see what happens i hope he ends up in prison because its not fair if he gets away with what he's done same with emmerdale i want Paul to get found out as well. 

    people always talk about the crown, I've never watched it I'm not really a fan of Netflix i know that's weird as most people love Netflix i just never can get into any of the series on there. 

  • Yeah that storyline is awful, yet I can’t help but watch it just to see where it goes! If they let him get away with it I think I’d be truly disgusted. Renaissance art is beautiful, there’s so many different parts to it but all fascinated me. I like looking at art in general though. With emerdale I want that gambler guy (Paul I think) to get caught out cause it’s so unfair on vinny! My favourite series will always be Buffy. I also started watching Pose on Netflix which is really good, I keep being recommended the crown so might give that a watch. I love films by or involving Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, so Shaun of the dead, the worlds end, Paul, hot fuzz (I also loved spaced which is their tv show from the 90’s). 

  • oh i do watch corrie but im not enjoying it lately due to a certain character, im not liking that storyline at all. 

    what sort of art renaissance i haven't heard of that type of art, but I'm not really up to date with anything that not to do with Emmerdale, as you can tell i am abit obsessed. im have a look at that art though. 

    what's your favorite film / series? 

    good luck with making your first pom pom tomorrow. 

  • I just watched a video on how to do it using a fork, think tomorrow I’ll give that a go! Oh emerdale, I’ve been watching that recently! Currently watching Corrie, very sad though! Do you watch Corrie? Hmm I enjoy looking at renaissance art, listening to music (I can go from classical to punk to hip hop to foreign music haha) I enjoy watching series and films. 

  • yeah I'm sure saw a video where some was using a fork, I'm not sure how you make them using that though as i use a pom pom maker which i find really easy to use. 

    yeah i have few i enjoy watching Emmerdale on tv, I'm so obsessed with that TV show i know literally everything going on, i also enjoy listening one direction Heart eyes  

    what other interests do you have? 

  • I prefer the bigger ones for the same reason. The smaller ones can sometimes feel too overwhelming for me. Oh you can use a fork? I have a feeling this could be something I’d enjoy doing haha is there any other interests you have? 

  • i prefer to colour in bigger images really as i find it easier to stay in the lines as i can sometimes go over the lines. 

    and yeah pom poms i find to be very addictive to me anyway, do you have pom pom makers, you can use card board as well if you haven't and i think you can use a fork I'm sure I've seen but if YouTube it it will show the techniques you can use and try whichever you find easier. 

  • I enjoy doodling, but my main joy is photography and editing photos. I can sit for hours editing every tiny detail, it’s also so much fun. Colouring in is super relaxing, do you like the ones with tiny details or bigger images? I’m going to YouTube how to make pom-poms now haha I’ll end up going down a rabbit hole on making things now I’m sure. 

  • yeah practice makes everything perfect, before i started making my pom pom rug i couldn't even make a pom pom and now I'm obsessed. i love anything to do with art as well, it just calms me especially if I'm not havening a good day , my brain just focuses on what I'm making. I like drawing and colouring as well i find it relaxing. 

  • I’m exactly the same, I have panic in the summer because it’s too hot and I get anxious in the winter because of the cold. Like you, I can’t win haha no that totally makes sense, I may give it a go at some point. I like giving things a try that’s artsy and repetitive. Crocheting is similar to knitting but you have one sort of needle that you make loops and stuff with. I’m still learning so not that good right now but hopefully with practice I’ll get better. Slight smile

  •  i don't really like the cold either although i don't like being too hot so i never can win with the weather really LOL Joy Laughing 

    my pom pom rug is very big as i didn't really think about the size when i was thinking of making it and i just bought the hessian wthout thinking of the size Laughing i was just so excited to make one as im very addicted  to anything pom pom related as the people at my work tell me.but it depends how big you want it bu i would suggest maybe a smaller / medium to start if you want to finish it sooner rather that later like me as i started mine 2 years ago and its still no where near finished SmileLaughing

    with the colours you can choose whatever colours you would like, with mine ive got white, light pink and purple, blue and some multi colour pom poms i didn't go for a colour scheme to begin with i just did whatever colours i liked but you can choose whatever you want really. hope this helps and makes sense im not good at explaining things, especially when its about a topic i love as i get excited and everything just gets muddled up in my brain. 

    what are you crocheting? i is crocheting like knitting or is it different? 

  •  i don't really like the cold either although i don't like being too hot so i never can win with the weather really LOL Joy Laughing 

    my pom pom rug is very big as i didn't really think about the size when i was thinking of making it and i just bought the hessian wthout thinking of the size Laughing i was just so excited to make one as im very addicted  to anything pom pom related as the people at my work tell me.but it depends how big you want it bu i would suggest maybe a smaller / medium to start if you want to finish it sooner rather that later like me as i started mine 2 years ago and its still no where near finished SmileLaughing

    with the colours you can choose whatever colours you would like, with mine ive got white, light pink and purple, blue and some multi colour pom poms i didn't go for a colour scheme to begin with i just did whatever colours i liked but you can choose whatever you want really. hope this helps and makes sense im not good at explaining things, especially when its about a topic i love as i get excited and everything just gets muddled up in my brain. 

    what are you crocheting? i is crocheting like knitting or is it different? 
