Introducing Myself

Hello there. I’ve had very limited social interaction since I dropped out of college in 2011. I came to this site in the hopes of talking to people who might be able to empathise with my social/cognitive struggles. I don’t feel like I really have any true opinions and interests, with a few exceptions, so I don’t even feel like a real person most of the time. I wouldn’t mind talking with anyone really but I have a really bad fear of being judged.

  • it's tuff, afaict.... i have taken to being open about my sensitivities, comorbidities, aspergers, etc... i try not to go on and on - at least about my asd... but i do go on about other things ---- i try to catch myself and explain why i do that...  at this point, my therapist, who specializes in asd, told me 'people suck. they're only interested in themselves, and whether you like them or dislike them." more or less... i'm processing that... i feel as an aspie, i tend to look to NT's as always in the know, always doing well, much more successful than me... i think being judged is an occupational hazard of asd.

  • Yeah I think I compare myself to other people a lot. I struggle to do the simplest of tasks, so it’s completely baffling to me how people can hold down a job and be in a relationship. I find myself being overwhelmed extremely easily.

Reply Children
  • yes, i compare myself to successful people... i can't seem to do any of the wonderful things they do... just getting dressed like they do would be very difficult for me... i don't have any easy answers (or i'd be using those answers!). like u, i do seem to struggle with pretty simple tasks, but also seem to look at them in a very detailed way, much more so than others. that often gets in the way, but it's a strength also, which has been difficult to appreciate, much less harness...

    a relationship? i've kind of given up.... it's so difficult... but sometimes 'luck' plays a big role in life, and so i have to be open to that - luck, not dumb luck, but something happens, the right people come along...etc.. it's luck, often.