Introducing Myself

Hello there. I’ve had very limited social interaction since I dropped out of college in 2011. I came to this site in the hopes of talking to people who might be able to empathise with my social/cognitive struggles. I don’t feel like I really have any true opinions and interests, with a few exceptions, so I don’t even feel like a real person most of the time. I wouldn’t mind talking with anyone really but I have a really bad fear of being judged.

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  • I suppose things are going reasonably well in the sense that I’ve managed to take a small step outside my comfort zone and talk to people online.

    I took a similar step when I got on the internet and joined the NAS community around November 2016, a year or so after my diagnosis in May 2015.

    I really do not like writing very much at all, but communication with like and differently minded individuals is rather a treasure in life, in being really fascinating.

    Hopefully you will or are even finding this community to be more of comfort zone possibly?

  • I suppose things are going reasonably well in the sense that I’ve managed to take a small step outside my comfort zone and talk to people online.

  • Thank you. How are you?

    Comfortably exhausted in the sense of being too tired to be concerned or bothered by any problems currently, which I find to be a pleasant state of disassociation that I fully appreciate when it happens. 

    How are things going with yourself at the moment?