Need help and advice for son

Hi, I have a son who is 7 and has struggled for the past few years with interaction with his school peers, finds it hard to express thoughts, feelings and emotions, gets very upset with any changes to routine and likes things to be the same as always with anything. We are convinced he has asperger syndrome but don't seem to be getting much help from his gp, he has been seen by camhs but that was a total waste of time with them basically saying 'well he can give eye contact so there's nothing wrong with him' both me and my wife are so up a high with stress and worry for him and just want his daily life to be easy for him. He is very good at hiding all of these symptoms at school and the teachers don't see a thing wrong but are helpful at least and are always in contact. But we just need somebody to listen and help, and maybe get some sort of diagnosis somehow?

Many thanks for any help or advice.


  • No autism doesn't run in the family and no we're not well off, not that I wouldn't pay that for our son but it just annoys me that no one seems to be able to help. He's had terrible meltdowns over the years which breaks us to watch and fint impossible to help him, he continues to scratch himself and hit his mam when in meltdowns which is awful but yet 'there's nothing wrong' he is at the correct educational level, he excells at school and if he gets say one spelling question incorrect he will hit the roof when he gets home for hours. I haven't rang the number yet, I've only just come across this site for some help. As for videos we have a lot of them yet, nothing wrong? It baffles me!!

  • he sounds autistic to me and is going to be awesome academically. But socially a mess 9 probably ).

    The eye contact issue is a serious problem. 

    ring NAS tomorrow  i attach the numbers in a minute i have another issue i am responding to

  • We're not experts but we've believed he's autistic edging more towards aspergers or alexithymia which I've only just learnt about recently, thanks for your replies. What do you mean by the eye contact issue is a serious problem?

  • ok  lack of eye contact suggests autism but is not necessary for the diagnosis does he talk over people for example and basically not stop on a subject.

  • i make eye contact but i feel really unconfortable doing it and get away from it as soon as possible. and i look around the eyes in job interviews for example. but if i get stressed i drop to no eye contact.

  • i make eye contact but i feel really unconfortable doing it and get away from it as soon as possible. and i look around the eyes in job interviews for example. but if i get stressed i drop to no eye contact.

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