Unemployed again!

Hello all.

I was given 24 hours notice that my job was redundant (after 2 weeks consultation) 2 days later I had a meltdown/PTSD episode after not sleeping for 5 days and ended up with police detaining me (in handcuffs) under 136, dumbing me at A&E then when I tried to leave the hospital the A&E staff got the police to handcuffs me again so the police could take me to a “place safety” where I was then detained under section 2 and forced to take antipsychotic meds.

Does anyone have any experience with dealing with medical staff and the police before official diagnosis? From what I’ve read the police and medical professionals are supposed to treat as Autistic even if Autism is suspected.

Also does anyone know of local support groups in Gloucester/Cheltenham.

Thanks in advance.

  • From experience - I worked for the Police - I can tell you that they have no training in the signs and what to do regarding Autistic people, especially adults. To be honest, even though I have Asperger's, it is not obvious so without a badge or telling them how do they know? Well, under the latest system they have to believe what the victim tells them but not the perpetrator.

    Within the Police they do have groups that are there for the staff who have been diagnosed. Within the constabulary that I worked, they did not have the ability to diagnose Autism, they could say someone had it, so there are Police staff with the condition but suffering due to lack of understanding, even being disciplined or discharged (like me).

    As for the medical staff, surely they should be able to spot any traits of any condition but in their defence they probable were snowed under. You know the emergencies, excessive alcohol, injuries due to domestic quarrels. Even know of a nephew deliberately breaking his uncles arm over what tv channel to watch.

    Finally, under the 2015 (think it's 2015) equality law you are deemed to have Autism, even if not diagnosed, and treated accordingly if you show the traits. 

  • Thanks for the response. I think I am just feeling let down both myself and my husband were in a new and traumatic place and there was just no empathy at all. The police and nurses do their job day in day out so it is “normal” for them. If there was physical trauma would they have pinned me to the hospital floor and dragged me in handcuffs to the operating theatre. Given that our society is told its OK to not be OK but treated like a criminal if you.

  • Thanks for the response. I think I am just feeling let down both myself and my husband were in a new and traumatic place and there was just no empathy at all. The police and nurses do their job day in day out so it is “normal” for them. If there was physical trauma would they have pinned me to the hospital floor and dragged me in handcuffs to the operating theatre. Given that our society is told its OK to not be OK but treated like a criminal if you.

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