A theory on what autism could actually be...

Hi Everyone, i've be supporting adults and children on the spectrum for a few years, i'm no expert, just a caring person who likes to help others, i've researched lots to gain a better understanding, and in order to help me do my job in the best way i can, i love working with autism, but the one thing that i cant find the answer to is the cause, there has been so much speculation and false truths, i have my own theory that seems to fit well, especially knowing how special people on the spectrum are...

  I genuinely feel that human beings are starting the next step in evolution, it doesnt happen overnight, and we would be naive to think we have reached perfection, far from it, perhaps physically we are somewhere near..

  The brain is a massively complicated piece of hardware, we don;t use much of its potential, are people on the spectrum the first step?  about 10% of people on spectrum are savant, but in my experience, all of the people i work with are special, and have  some unbelievable abilities in 1 area or another, they are all a better version of humanity, if the whole world was full of people on the spectrum, even at these early stages on evolution, we wouldnt have the problems we have today..

  i could go on, but i would love to hear other peoples views on my theory, whilst evolution is working on the brain, other areas of the brain are being affected, it may take 1000's of years to get right, i just wonder what the first fish to start to develope land and oxygen based qualities actually looked like, because they wouldnt of just grew legs and lungs over night.

  • it take a factor of 10,000 to 100,000 to reach a new subspecies ( a guess ). Humans are slow reproducers. The speed of reproduction is a major factor. For example, fish can breed really quickly.  Some animals/plants evole quicker than others. Crocodiles have not changed since before the dinosaurs ( thats 100 million years ! )

    Evolution is very slow but there have been unexplained major steps forward. Massive climatic change can help evolution to move much faster with mass extinctions in each generation.

    Evolution is a really complex process and I am pretty out of date.

    The N-A-Z-I-S were very interested in human evolution with very disasterous consequences  including killing autistic children ( Di Asperger comes into my head at this point ).  So it is a dangerous subject once you select humans as the subject of study. There are now laws on human gene experimentation.

    if u put say 10,000 autistics ( 70% female and 30% male ) on a very  large island with no outside contact  and  left it for 50,000 years, the genetics professional would be highly interested in their gene mix, tolerance to disease, life span, form of civilisation if any etc etc   

    Would there be anyone left ?

    Anyone up for it ? Slight smile

  • it's a fascinating subject, far beyond my comprehension, all i know is that as humans we are unable to comprehend true size, timescales, distance and change, or even alternate dimensions when it comes to the true scales of the universe, we can only comprehend what we know as humans on this planet, using science and history, which as we all know is so tiny in age compared to the history of the universe or even our own earth, down to our own evolution. it is only guess work on the whole, even palentologists work and fossils dont go back anywhere near far enough back, and even then have gaping holes.

  • it's a fascinating subject, far beyond my comprehension, all i know is that as humans we are unable to comprehend true size, timescales, distance and change, or even alternate dimensions when it comes to the true scales of the universe, we can only comprehend what we know as humans on this planet, using science and history, which as we all know is so tiny in age compared to the history of the universe or even our own earth, down to our own evolution. it is only guess work on the whole, even palentologists work and fossils dont go back anywhere near far enough back, and even then have gaping holes.

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