I feel lost; like it’s too late

Hi all, I’m not a parent of a child with autism but a sibling (with parents who have no care to deal with autism).

I really need your help or guidance. 
I’m afraid for what to do since my brother is completely neglected by his school and we are told multiple times that “ALL” students are having it hard right now due to COVID, so no special help is put towards my brother.

I’m just so afraid of what to do since I have no help from anyone. My brother is in his last year of secondary education and his school is making it out that there is no way for them to attempt moving him back a year so he has a chance. My main point is that no thought or support was put towards him and now he will be forced to do his GCSEs with no guidance.

The mistreatment of my brother makes me very upset, but I have NO power.

Is it too late for us? Is there nothing I can do to help my little brother?

  • No, it's not too late. I'm presuming from what you've written that the school knows that your brother is on the autism spectrum, and is choosing not to support him. I realize this may be a long shot, but perhaps writing to your local MP about the situation might prompt some action from the school. Of course, it would be even better if your parents were doing this, but your MP is supposed to represent all his constituents, so your voice counts too. Good luck!

  • No, it's not too late. I'm presuming from what you've written that the school knows that your brother is on the autism spectrum, and is choosing not to support him. I realize this may be a long shot, but perhaps writing to your local MP about the situation might prompt some action from the school. Of course, it would be even better if your parents were doing this, but your MP is supposed to represent all his constituents, so your voice counts too. Good luck!
