Hello I'm Emmy

Thought I would introduce myself, I am Emmy, I have just turned 29, I was diagnosed with autism today and thought I would see how this community is. I do not have a friend group and was interested in maybe making a few new friends.

Umm I like quite a lot of things cats, collecting oddities, DnD, anime, gaming, arts and crafts, viking history, weird music, and nature to name a few. Ooo and I just got into 3D modelling. I am an INFJ / INTJ, Libra, non binary (she/her/they/them pronouns) I'm a bit of a shut in and an agoraphobe but I thought I would give this a go. 

Feel free to message me. I cant guarantee a quick response, please don't be offended.  

  • Hi, I'm Ed, I'm INFP (one of those weird INFPs who found maths really quite easy - I love art and music but got a maths degree because it was so much easier to secure a degree in).

    I'm also not very binary and tend to feel most comfortable in-between. I like the idea of them/they as pronoun except it makes me sound even more of a third/outside person than the he/she ones.

    I'd be very keen to hear a touch about the weird music you like - so please do have a little discussion on this if that sounds good to you. 

    The Viking history is not an area of my history expertise (as yet) - but I have big love for history so if you'd like to talk history with someone who's likely to be a very engaged listener/reader - go ahead and I'll look out for it.

    Take care

  • Hi, I'm Ed, I'm INFP (one of those weird INFPs who found maths really quite easy - I love art and music but got a maths degree because it was so much easier to secure a degree in).

    I'm also not very binary and tend to feel most comfortable in-between. I like the idea of them/they as pronoun except it makes me sound even more of a third/outside person than the he/she ones.

    I'd be very keen to hear a touch about the weird music you like - so please do have a little discussion on this if that sounds good to you. 

    The Viking history is not an area of my history expertise (as yet) - but I have big love for history so if you'd like to talk history with someone who's likely to be a very engaged listener/reader - go ahead and I'll look out for it.

    Take care

  • Hi Ed ^_^

    I totally understand about the they/them pronouns, I felt/feel the same way which is why I am still comfortable with she/her in certain situations. It had some getting use to at first but I figured I would just lean into the outsider feeling haha I mean I'm autistic so it feels like that anyway, whats another thing that makes me different. Screw it I am an alien haha. 

    As for music, I'm not sure about making a separate post about it but I can give you a few names, Heilung is probably my fave band, they are a traditional viking folk band and are just amazing, I highly suggest you watch a live show rather than just audio as their visuals are incredible. Others I like in that category are Danheim, Gealdyr, Nytt Land, Ivar Bjornson, Einar Selvik, Anilah, Wardruna, Forndom, Darkher, Falkenbach. 

    As for history, dont get me started, I wont stop haha.