Lengthy diagnosis but not sure where I fit in

Hi everyone

I'm going through a lengthy assessment to see if I have Aspergers but I'm finding the process very difficult (even more nowerdays because of rona!) as my gp explained it could take upto 2 years to get a diagnosis. I've not been given a formal diagnosis and have been told from the age of 8 I have depression, OCD and Anxiety but nothing has ever really come from it other than taking different medications over the years. There was also talk of me possible having BPD and Bipolar but again, it was mentioned and nothing came from it.

I'm trying to learn more about asd in woman so I can try to understand how I fit in the world and what tools I can use to help me better. I want to try to meet other people going through similar situations and how they can support themselvs. I work full time on the phone talking to people about very difficult subjects and I'm finding it more and more difficult to keep pretending like everything is ok but in reality my anxietys around talking to people I don't know and how I struggle day to day with the world of working in a "office" enviroment (I work from home now and I love being home!) are getting too much and I'm struggling everyday to accept who i am. I'm scared that if i tell work or my family that I have always struggled with people, relationships and just "normal" working life that they won't believe me or just think i'm lazy. 

I was wondering if anyone else was diagnosed as an adult (I'm 28 now) and how it has helped you? or if it has helped?

If you have been diagnosed or going through a diagnosis how did you approach it with work and what help is out there? 

Could anyone help guide me through what support I can try to help myself with my anxietys, moods and self esteem?

In a nutshell I want to feel comfortable with who I am, I love being on my own and just being my weird mature/immature self as my family (inlcuding my little sausage dog and big cat) is the only ones who have seen the real me and I'm just exhausted pretending to the rest of the world now! 

Thanks for reading Comicbookgirl

  • i would urge you to progress you're comic book side  - for 2 reasons

    1. economic  --- to make money while enjoying doing it type hobbie

    2. drawing cartoons is very likely to be very good for you're mental health ( type of "doing "meditaton )

    can you post some images on your profile or just here ?

    tips for managing your mental health

    a. teach yourself "Box breathing" and practise it once a week so it can be deployed like a missile against anxiety and depression

    b teach youself meditation --- there are several of us autistics here who found it effective/benefical aganst anxiety and depression  this includes "walking /doing" meditation.

    welcome the forumn


  • i would urge you to progress you're comic book side  - for 2 reasons

    1. economic  --- to make money while enjoying doing it type hobbie

    2. drawing cartoons is very likely to be very good for you're mental health ( type of "doing "meditaton )

    can you post some images on your profile or just here ?

    tips for managing your mental health

    a. teach yourself "Box breathing" and practise it once a week so it can be deployed like a missile against anxiety and depression

    b teach youself meditation --- there are several of us autistics here who found it effective/benefical aganst anxiety and depression  this includes "walking /doing" meditation.

    welcome the forumn


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