Struggling as a parent

Hi. This is my first ever thread on any site. 

Up until now I thought we were doing really well but we have hit a really big roadblock now. My son is diagnosed autistic and so am I myself which yes at times this really helps. My son has always had a bit of an issue with hitting other children at school, there is never a Pacific target, never any reason for him attack them, no warning, and the planning of what he will do is becoming dangerously worrying now, the incidents have also become more and more and he is also become better and better and knowing how to wait till he is unsupervised. We have taken hes favrote things away as concesquences for his actions, we have done talk after talk, drawings, online games and videos, support workers, increased support at school and nothing seems to help him. When we have taken his favrote things from him it just dosent seem to bother him in anyway, no tantrum nothing. I have tried to sit and talk to him about his feelings and nothing, done drawings to help him express himself and nothing. I've tried to give him ideas that he can do in his room by himself in case he just dosent have the confidence to express things directly to us and nothing. We have no physical actions that he does that show us anything, we literally have nothing that he physically or mentally show us how he feeling in any sort of communication. I have a psychiatrist hopefully getting involved and going to see if I can get him a support worker again but I really dont know what to do and he is becoming more and more dangerous to himself and others around by the day. I think we are looking at his 6th suspension now in the last just over a year for violence, hes 12 years old and only getting bigger and stronger and I'm really worried hes going to hurt someone soon or get hurt himself.

Any help, suggestions, experiences, literally anything would be helpful right now, even someone who would be possibly be up for just chatting to me about this. I've tried to look more work sheets, apps, videos but I'm really starting to get lost in it all.

Thankyou so much for reading and reply or contacting me if you do
