My story and request for business proposal feedback

I’ve been made redundant from my last role as a software developer. I’m on the autistic spectrum and I have a success story to tell, although this success story consists of setbacks.

Numerous studies have concluded that the unemployment rate for adults on the autistic spectrum is particularly high, even in comparison to those with other invisible disabilities. I’ve held a job where I was met with a lack of understanding despite everyone’s best intentions, but luckily I’ve held a second job where I was well supported.

Autism is a wide spectrum, from the non-verbal to the high-functioning. I’ve managed to interview for and secure job offers without intervention of any kind. I went to a mainstream private school. During my education, particularly in secondary school, teachers would always see me for my weakness as opposed seeing how they could best accommodate me to put me on a level-playing field. They always under-estimated my ability to live independently due to my condition. Despite everyone warning me about the difficulties I would face, I decided to live in university accommodation and made many friends who I am still in touch with. Staying away from home - getting out of my comfort zone  - was the best decision I’ve ever made.

I feel that everyone should be seen as an individual, as everyone has their own individual strengths and weaknesses. I strongly believe the stereotype about autism needs to end. However, I was lucky to be diagnosed at the age of 3. I greatly appreciate the effort my family have put in to arrange for mentors to support myself and my parents with strategies. Without the support I received, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I have a passion to end the negative connotation of autism and to increase awareness for autism. Research reveals that the main problems are a lack of understanding of autism and the anxiety and communication problems faced by individuals on the autistic spectrum. I strongly believe in the need to increase visibility of the support available. I am considering developing a web/mobile application for this purpose, and I would like to gather your feedback. I would appreciate it if you could fill in the survey: [Link removed by moderator].

  • Hi Disambiguating Cynosure,

    Surveys and research projects are removed from the Online Community unless they go through the appropriate route so that they can be checked out by our research team due to ethics and data protection reasons.

    We do not ban all research from our Community pages, and there may be research posted that you can take part in if you wish, however it must be approved by our research team before it is posted. 

    It's not quite surveys, but you can find research studies that we are involved in here:

    I hope this helps!


    Dani Mod

  • so correct  - but i would like NAS to use our collective thoughts on autism we have a lot of useful info/data which in rigth hands coud be useful. So DC has a point. An area for/to help young researchers  and ourselves could discover stuff. But yes it has to be governed by NAS itself.  It would be a nice to have but I can dream Slight smile

  • The problem is who can tell if these 'surveys' are genuine or just data harvesting attempts?       They're aimed at vulnerable people so I'm with the mods - just close them all down unless they go through the proper channels.

  • ...Um... Hi... I am not criticising You or anything, Miss Mod, but I often see this posted often in very many Threads Often... (Then Locked, though.) 

    ...I was just wondering... IS there some exact place or WWW-Address where all of these (refused) Surveys/Curiosities actually GO TO...? Is there a place/page upon NAS where there are a whole-heap-of 'surveys'/tick-boxes that Us Autistic Folk can Tick...?? Ticking and influencing Important Boxes, making a difference, sounding a voice... that sort of thing, yes Thank You...?

    ...Um, Thanks for 'Modding' anyway... ! 

  • Dear NAS69381,

    I have deleted the link from your post as it breaks our rule 9:

    "Requests for research study subjects and surveys need to be directed to for data protection and research ethics reasons. Further information can be found on our research pages. Please be advised that any requests for research subjects or surveys posted on the Community will be deleted without warning."

    Many thanks,

    Dani Mod