Adult autism assessment


Today I had my screening appointment for autism. I am 28 year old female. My partner was diagnosed about 4 years ago and he has thought I was autistic about 3 years ago but it only really came to light this year. The assessor stated today that I wouldn't get a diagnosis today but will be offered a further appointment if they felt that a diagnosis needed to be explored further. The psychotherapist who I have been seeing who specializes in autism told me that they will try to say that it is social anxiety.

So for my referral (I was referred by GP) I sent in a five page letter from me explaining why I thought I was autistic and difficulties I have faced. The psychotherapist also wrote an accompanying letter and today I took five different pages of notes with me and my dad came with me,

Todays assessment was about 2 and half hour where they asked me about my life and growing up both me and my dad expressed difficulties with social communication, and sensory issues, however when the session ended the assessor stated that she is feeling more flavour towards social anxiety disorder because she perceived that I was fearful of social situations but wants to do more tests to decide properly so my next appointment will be doing standardized tests. She asked me what I thought and I said no to social anxiety as it is not only the fact that I get anxious about social situations because of lack of understanding of others (which I have gotten better at now through experience and doing a psychology degree) but also its the fact I don't like to be Iike to be around people unless they like my special interests and only then I can only be around them for a limited time. I socialize because I have to but if I had it my way I would not socialize! I explained that I have been through years of masking to try and fit in. I was stimming throughout the assessment and was not giving eye contact also.

Anyway now I am worried that it will be labelled as social anxiety disorder when I know it is not and now feel even more nervous about the next appointment, because for me autism fits, social anxiety does not.

Has this happened to anybody else whilst they were getting assessed?
