Hi New to the community side of NAS, Looking for Guidance/support and friends with ASD tweenagers


I'm Zoe and Live in Cheshire with my family. Are son is twelve and has ASD.

The reason I have reached out to the forum community is we (me and my husband) are really struggling with our Angry, confused Tween at the moment.

The issues have begun as his friends are all meeting up out of lock down and we are still very much of the opinion he can't go out with groups of friends and can see a friend either in our garden, theirs or on the field near our home. As a result of this we are the worst parents in the world, he lashes out in aggression, talks to us awful and has little respect for myself and mainly takes his mood swings out on me! Which is leading me to resent him and not want to be around him at all (harsh I know and I hate to say it but its true!)

We are very much routine led as much as possible and are very careful with where he goes and who he is with. My son has no filter what so ever and although he is aware of what appropriate and inappropriate behaviour is he very much acts on impulse and will do and say things that are completely irrational and unacceptable at times!  He likes to act the goat to get laughs and will go to all kinds of lengths and measures to get people to like him. Which is a big issue as he is very easily influenced and due to this in the past we have had all kinds of problems.

I am reaching out for any non judgemental Guidance, support or just people to talk to, as I am coming to my wits end right now and really struggling with home life at the mo and the majority of people around me just don't seem to understand what life is like on a daily basis or want to understand or offer support.

I would like my sense of humour and personality back as I think its been loss somewhere in Lock down and I'm turning into somebody I don't know or like very much!! RageJapanese ogreSweat smile

Thank you for taking the time out and I look forward to hearing from some of you!

Zoe x