It's been a while. 

I've had a nervous breakdown beginning of 2018.

The sight of my mother having an epileptic seizure while I was holding her in my arms waiting for the ambulance probably shell-shocked me.

The lack of support from my siblings and the feeling that all the decisions were mine to take, but then immediately up for criticism by the others.

I was home in januari, went back to work in februari, had a very difficult period with suicidal thoughts and found guidance for this. My brain didn't function at normal speeds.

I take anti-depressants now and that works fine, I also have a weekly appointment with a psychologist. 

In May 2019 I changed jobs, better paid, very happy about that. 

Now things are running really well for me. I focussed on a make-over of the garden, and that is now at a point where we're really happy with it. With the current corona-crisis not a luxury either to be able to relax a bit outdoors. 

Next project is making a bedroom in the attic, slowly slowly. I need to ponder on these things and when I see it all possible and feasible, I'll get started. 

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  • My son will also help. the minimum requirement is to put in a cheap laminate floor. Then it can be kept clean. The rest is a matter of time and taste. Also a bit of a challenge, but that I've done that type of work before. Now there's two steel pipes for the central heating that run diagonally across the attick floor, they have to be replaced by longer pipes that follow the contours of the room, and I need to add two radiators, but that's not a mandatory thing. The staircase is first. And until now I seem to do fine without the room in the attick, so that puts it even lower on the priority list.