It's been a while. 

I've had a nervous breakdown beginning of 2018.

The sight of my mother having an epileptic seizure while I was holding her in my arms waiting for the ambulance probably shell-shocked me.

The lack of support from my siblings and the feeling that all the decisions were mine to take, but then immediately up for criticism by the others.

I was home in januari, went back to work in februari, had a very difficult period with suicidal thoughts and found guidance for this. My brain didn't function at normal speeds.

I take anti-depressants now and that works fine, I also have a weekly appointment with a psychologist. 

In May 2019 I changed jobs, better paid, very happy about that. 

Now things are running really well for me. I focussed on a make-over of the garden, and that is now at a point where we're really happy with it. With the current corona-crisis not a luxury either to be able to relax a bit outdoors. 

Next project is making a bedroom in the attic, slowly slowly. I need to ponder on these things and when I see it all possible and feasible, I'll get started. 

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  • Thanks! The psychologist I see is very helpful. I tend to get stuck in assumptions and be passive aggressive in interactions.

    About the attic, we had a new roof with better isolation placed last winter. Also two windows and solar panels. It's not a very tall space, just about 2 meters in the middle, but that makes it like a cabin of a boat. Now we first need to put a decent staircase, that's going to be a challenge.