Introducing myself

Hi, I was diagnosed in 2019 but my wife has suspected that I was on the spectrum since 2007. I was mainstream educated up to degree level and have been in full employment since 1985. I currently work as a chartered tax adviser for a large automotive company.

I love cars, watching motor sport, dogs (we have two), history and archaeology (my degree subject).

I have been married for 30 years and my wife has always supported me - she says that she is my unpaid carer!

I am lucky that my employer has a diversity and inclusion policy and I have an unofficial 'buddy' at work who helps me with any difficult situations, e.g. travelling overseas. Unfortunately, my immediate line manager doesn't really understand autism and thinks of it as some kind of mental health issue - I think he is a bit frightened of the whole subject.

I feel lucky to have progressed as far as I have in both education and work but I have struggled over the years especially with personal relationships where my intensity can become too much for other people. I feel I have 'masked' quite well over the years but now I think I should be more authentic and embrace my differences!

I am looking forward to reading the posts here and getting to know a few more people who are on the spectrum.

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