A brief Introduction type thing

Hi, I guess I decided to sign up for this website as I guess I am still coming to terms with a lot as I guess I have only recently begun, exploring this aspect of my life. I am probably gunna just use this opportunity to sort of put this out there and maybe get back some people's reactions hopefully.

I am a male in mid early/mid twenties, who is currently on a waiting list for a test to see if I am on the autistic spectrum. I suppose I have been told all my life that I was autistic but it was always something that I was never really supposed to express or think about. My parents told me from a young age, that I was autistic but there was never any point in pursuing this further as I believe I am on the high-functioning end of the spectrum and my life would be easier pretending that I wasn't. I suppose this has led to me feeling rather guilty or uncertain, about whether I am definitely autistic or if I am wasting everyone's time, and I'm just making a scene. 

I'd say overall, socially speaking, I don't often have too many issues. I have a girlfriend and friends, and I don't experience much in the way of social anxiety (although a lot of anxiety in other areas). But emotionally, I have often fallen short of the standards people have held for me. I often have a very difficult time empathising with others, even though I try to, I have a tendency to view things in a very 'black and white' manner, even though this doesn't always make me act logically. I have an almost inability to directly lie to someone (I can actively avoid the topic, but can never deny something when challenged), and I never do very well in situations of conflict. I normally end up suggesting a really over the top response which tends to confuse people and ends the conversation, and when I was younger I used to throw things as a response to being upset. I nearly got expelled from school as I was never able to back down from a conflict, and would never apologise for anything I had done, unless I felt remorse, even if it would have probably been better if I had. I sometimes to not pick up social cues or suggestions, my girlfriend often notes when I have not noticed her mood shift, or have demanded/asked for a simple suggestion on how to solve it, when apparently thats not how it works. I have occasionally taken suggestions far too literally, and this has led to awkwardness and tension.

I have quite a lot of ritualistic behaviours, and can find certain physical tasks quite demanding. Currently, I have been struggling with quite severe OCD which means it can take me over an hour to wash and brush my teeth, because the slightest problem causes me to need to reset my pattern; I also find the general process difficult. I often need to be reminded to feed myself, wash clothes, drink water etc, the basics. I have had a couple of jobs, and been fired/nearly fired from every single one, because even though I have tried my best, I have not been able to work at the speed required, or figured out my routine quickly enough.  I used to experiment with drugs as I felt it helped me feel like I could develop a real connection to people and operate on a similar wave length, but this ended up hurting my mental health so I had to stop.

So, sorry if this is a lot of information, but any responses would be amazing, I hope this community would be a nice place to express myself, and it would be cool to hear your opinions, as this is a relatively new aspect of my life and I'd like to learn more about it. Am I probably on the autistic spectrum, what do you guys think? 

Thanks again!

  • Hi, welcome! =)

    There are a few things that sound similar to some traits that I have. No one on the spectrum is exactly the same. The whole drugs thing is understandable to me. It could be that they dulled some of your difficulties somewhat, which sounds really nice. I've always wondered what I would be like if I took certain drugs. 

    I'm not the best person to talk to about this, but am happy to chat if you need to vent. Here are some ways you could contact someone and get their advice: https://www.autism.org.uk/get-involved/about-us/contact-us.aspx

    Feel free to read other threads and see if some sound more like you =)

  • Hi, welcome! =)

    There are a few things that sound similar to some traits that I have. No one on the spectrum is exactly the same. The whole drugs thing is understandable to me. It could be that they dulled some of your difficulties somewhat, which sounds really nice. I've always wondered what I would be like if I took certain drugs. 

    I'm not the best person to talk to about this, but am happy to chat if you need to vent. Here are some ways you could contact someone and get their advice: https://www.autism.org.uk/get-involved/about-us/contact-us.aspx

    Feel free to read other threads and see if some sound more like you =)
