Hello, just joined

Hi all Relaxed

I am a young adult that was officially diagnosed with ASC (Asperger's side) around three years ago. To help me deal with the lockdown better, I have made a routine and it seems to be working so far. I've even tried to learn how to knit to keep my brain occupied!

My therapist from the adult mental health team and I still have appointments on the phone and she gives me goals, or "homework", to complete before our next session. One of my goals this week is to join an online community centered around Autism/ASD and introduce myself. Hello Laughing

Meeting new people - in real life and online - is daunting to me. Starting and maintaining conversations is a struggle. I often don't know how to respond to other people's input. I'm lucky that most of the people in my social circle accept me as I am, and try to accommodate.

One of my favourite ways to spend my down-time is to play video games. I enjoy playing many different games across multiple platforms. I'm currently playing games such as Fallout 76, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and Pokémon Crystal. I'll probably be playing completely different games in a couple of weeks Stuck out tongue closed eyes

Thank you for reading!

  • Welcome to the group AnnMarie  Slight smile

  • Hello ShooFurfrou093,

    Welcome to the group Slight smile I think you’ve definitely done the right thing joining the community chat. It’s really good to be able to talk to others in the same boat. I’m rubbish at meeting new people in person,and struggle to keep the conversation going. I find all I actually want to do is get away. But online it’s different, it’s easier to talk to people I find. I’ve not been on here long myself, but I find people are very helpful. It’s good just to read the threads, plus you can join in whenever you like. I hope you find it helpful Slight smile

  • It's nice to talk to someone else that empathises with people in the same way as I do =) I often feel bad for talking about myself all the time. 

    I like punk music, too. Never been to a gig before, but hope to go to one to see if I can cope with it. I don't have favourite songs/artists; I tend to have current preferred songs from random people. My Chemical Romance, Falling in Reverse, Palaye Royale, Boston Manor, Fever 333, Bring Me The Horizon, are some bands that I've listened to many of their songs from more than one album and am currently still listening to sometimes. 

    The unknown is fascinating. Most of the knowledge and science that's true today will probably be expanded upon, or even false, in a few hundred years' time. I've always been imaginative to some degree. I would always have my head in a fantasy book when I was younger, and would make my scenarios that I picture in my head be similar to what I've read or seen on telly. I can't conjure things out of thin air; I have to have read/seen it before - things like dragons, superpowers, and the like. I tried to write stories years ago, but could never find the right words and the way to describe the scene. My writings were always inspired by other stories. 

    I would much rather be able to think logically than creatively. It's nice that people do think in different ways, though. On the Temple Grandin website, it says that humanity would still be living in caves if there weren't people on the spectrum to help the human race along. It also awes me how intelligent animals are. Watching The Secret Life of the Zoo was extremely interesting to me. 

  • What you said about the “me, me, me” thing - I totally get that, in fact I was told once that the only way I can empathise is if I can relate it to a personal life experience, where I can’t I completely lack empathy. So I fully appreciate where you are coming from on that one. 

    I like the mysteries of space - the fact that there is more that we don’t know than do. Like you I’m baffled by the physics but I enjoy space on a basic level - I think there’s something nice about looking up at the stars and planets then letting the mind wander. I missed the meteor shower - though I look forward to one after lockdown, as my town is surrounded by countryside so I have the ability to get away from light pollution with ease.

    It sounds like we have similar tastes in music I’m more into the rock, punk,  pop-punk and alternative genres although some metal is ok. I used to go to gigs a lot and festivals but it’s a constant struggle to get the balance between my love of music and exposure to things which I struggle with due to ASD. Any favourite bands? 

    I’m less of a film person and really struggle with genres like sci-if or fantasy as everything in life for me needs to fall into the realm of possibility - I.e I can stretch my imagination a little but if it’s not something I could see happening in real life it’s a problem - essentially I have little in the way of imagination which kind of sucks. 

  • Yes! I have low self-confidence, too! I feel like even someone that I've talked to for a while has had enough of me and no longer wants to be friends with me. Recently, since talking to my friends/acquaintances on discord on both text and voice chat, I've come to realise that they do enjoy conversing with me and that I can even help make their day a bit better when they're feeling low.

    I come across as blunt, too. It's mainly because I don't really know how to respond, and I tend to try to relate by using my own experiences, which makes me sound a bit "me, me, me!" I have been trying to be interested in how other people are feeling, as it lets people let off steam. 

    Don't worry, it's not random at all! That's really fun to say =) 

    My main interest is in video games - I've even tried to learn how to code (failed miserably!) - but I have also recently started to read books again. My favourite genre is fantasy, but I enjoy sci-fi and apocalypse stories, too. I like to listen to music: mainly rock/metal as it drowns out my thoughts. 

    Back in the day, I had a passion for space and astronomy. I'm still interested, but my brain can't comprehend the physics side of it. I saw a few of the meteors the other day. 

    I'm a very creative person, and I enjoy drawing pictures. There's a drawing of Batman I'm yet to complete. I'm also learning how to make pixel art on the PC. 

    My favourite superhero is Spider-man. I have watched most of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, and even went to the cinema to watch Avengers: Endgame on my own. It was a thrilling experience. I would like to at some point start watching the Star Wars movies, but I'm not sure if I'll concentrate on them. I tend to prefer watching tv shows as they're much shorter in length. One of my favourite shows is Brooklyn Nine Nine.

    I also enjoy watching anime and am currently watching Black Clover. I've also watched Fire Force and Dr. Stone recently. Last year, I tried to learn Japanese but reached a mental block. I'll try again in a few months. 


  • I completely relate to what you said about loneliness - the problem I have is low self confidence (on top of the usual ASD social difficulties traits) so I find believe in myself or believe anyone would want to get to knn b ow me. I think I also struggle to explain to people how my traits affect me so I can cone across as blunt or as though I’m not engaging and neither are true. All this said I’m making an effort now and hoping by chatting to people on here things will improve! 

    A really random thing about Pokemon... say Squirtle with a broad Birmingham brummie accent and you’ll never want to say it normally again! Someone I used to know worked out the best accent to say a bunch of Pokemon names in! Sorry really random I know!

    So away from gaming what interests you? 

  • Thank you very much =) You sound very interesting, too.

    That is very true; being lonely doesn't help mental health at all. Most of my lowest times were connected to some form of loneliness.

    A couple of months before the lockdown, I got in touch with one of my friends from college, then started to chat on discord with a couple of others, and are now talking to each other on an almost daily basis. Chatting with them has rekindled my interest in Pokémon. Without them and the support from my family and therapist, dealing with the lockdown would have been so much worse. 

    I haven't socialised much with others that are on the spectrum. The closest I've been is with my much older and near non-verbal cousin that has Autism. There were talks of another organisation setting up a group for people on the spectrum, but I haven't heard anything since.


  • Ion usually do the same but then I realised how being so isolated and lonely wasn’t helping my wellbeing - as such I decided to try to be proactive, although it doesn’t come naturally to me to be sociable. You should definitely converse with others more as you come across as an interesting person :) 

  • Hi, thanks =) The fact that you're making the effort is very commendable. I normally just lurk in the background, but I'll try to converse more with people too =)

  • Hello and welcome :) I think it’s great that you have joined up here - I totally understand your social struggles. I’m in the same boat and I’m making a real effort with being sociable to try and build both social skills and maybe make new friends along the way :) 

  • Hello Wave 

    I hate having to talk to people on the phone. I prefer face-to-face for similar reasons, too. My body language says my feelings more than I do. 

    My appointment times with my therapist are planned in the previous session, so I know that if the phone rings at so-and-so time on that particular day, it's probably her. I don't answer the phone otherwise. 

  • Thanks =) She definitely is, she's the first one that actually kind of understands me. 

  • Hey. I've just joined too. Hello Wave.

    how are you finding phone consults with workers?

    I have my own mental health support and all my appointments are phoned and I'm not doing very well with it. I miss the personal appointments and being able to have staff pick up visual queue's from me.


  • Welcome! Feel free to join in the threads. Your therapist sounds good, I would like assignments too.